Page 68 of Lips On My Soul

Desperate, I try to break free of her hold before the disgusting ball of slime touches my face.

The loogie comes closer and closer until my eyes cross, and the glob touches my nose. Simone sucks it back up to repeat the process.

Horrified, I give a blood-curdling scream, renewing my strength like some battle cry. I free a wrist and instinctively push one of her breasts into her face right as she’s lowering another string of mucus. The loogie smashes into her forehead, along with her boob.

I pelvic-thrust her forward, bucking her from my body.

Simone goes flying—asses over teakettles—landing on her face. Her skirt has hiked up during our scuffle, and now her bright-red thong in on display for the world.

Simone spins around like a raging bull and charges. The two of us start slapping at each other.

“For fuck’s sake, someone help me!” Maceo bellows to his men.

Chase comes in and grabs Simone around the waist, and Maceo comes in to snag me around mine.

Simone and I don’t stop, though the guys are pulling us apart, we use their bodies as leverage and kick wickedly at each other.

“Simone Eira! Josephine Freya!”

We freeze, hoping if we stay still mom won’t see us, like she’s some prehistoric dinosaur with crap eyesight.

Mom comes to stand between us. “What has gotten into you, girls?”

The two of us start firing off accusations left and right, our voices getting louder and louder to drown out the other sister.

“Enough!” Mom shouts.

The yard is so quiet, you can hear a pin drop until Maceo orders, “Alright, fun’s over brothers. Head off to your daily assignments.”

“Aw!” they complain in unison, before trudging off to their jobs.

The only MC brother remaining is Chase, holding my sister’s back close to his chest with his muscled arms locked around her body. With one arm still wrapped around her, he takes his free hand and gently tugs down her skirt to cover her back up. Simone startles at his touch and peeks over her shoulder at him. He stares back at her with an intensity that passes for indecent. The odd look in his dark brown eyes makes me question if he plans to ever release his hold on her.

Dad rushes out of the headquarters to stand beside mom. He looks frazzled as his head whips around between his daughters and wife. “I don’t care who started it, but I’m ending it,” he says tersely.

Mom gives an exhausted eye roll. “You missed the boat, Jim. They’re done rowing, aren’t you girls?”

Even though I’m still angry with my sister, I nod. I didn’t want to fight to begin with—Simone has a way of bringing out my inner MMA fighter when tempers flare. Maceo relaxes his grip on me, but keeps me snug against him.

Simone clearly is not done arguing. She yanks herself free from Chase’s arms and steps in front of my parents. Chase follows close behind her, one arm outstretched, ready to pull her back.

Simone huffs. “Well, isn’t this peachy?! Mom and dad have already moved in.”

Mom shakes her head. “We’re only staying here temporarily.”

Simone’s shoulders slump with relief. “You’ve changed your mind? You’re moving back?”

My parents shake their heads. “No. We’re staying here at the headquarters until Josephine finishes building our cottage next door to their new home,” dad answers.

Simone grits her teeth. “A cottage? Are you shitting me? Is this why you’re leaving me and coming here?”

Mom gives Simone a sad smile. “Simone, honey, we’re leaving California—we’re not leaving you. We never see you anymore because you’re busy with your job and traveling all the time. You canceled every visit you planned with us, except for Christmas Day. Your dad and I aren’t getting any younger, and we can’t rely on you to help us as we get older. You have your career to think about. Josephine is in a better position to help us.”

Feeling oddly slighted, I grimace. “I have a fucking career too, you know?”

My mom waves her hand to shush me. “I wasn’t dismissing your work, Jo. I only meant you’re stagnant and not traveling all over the damn place. Your sister’s job makes it impossible for her to be available to help if something were to happen to us.”

“So, you’re not moving here because Jo is getting married and plans on starting a family, or because she’s building you a house?” Simone inquires accusingly.