Page 47 of Lips On My Soul

My mom flinches as if I slapped her.Fuck.I was too harsh. Honest but harsh. I need to stop dredging up my parents’ past transgressions whenever I feel provoked into an argument. I’ll get further ahead in repairing our relationship if I focus on making new memories with them and letting go of the bad ones.

The seamstress unzips the back of my dress, and I go into the changing room to shimmy out of my gown. I dress quickly and walk out to hand my dress off to the sales associate.

My mom snatches my hand to get my attention. I yank it away, cringing. “Don’t fucking grab at me in here of all places. This is where your favorite person abducted me,” I hiss.

Mom gulps and raises her hands. “I’m sorry. I only want you to hear me out. Simone, your dad, and I are truly sorry for our part in driving you away. And yes, Maceo is the only reason we came back into the picture, but we were afraid you would push us away again. You can’t hate us forever.”

I grit my teeth, knowing she’s right. It’s not like I want to keep holding onto this hostility. I’m just struggling with the idea of putting my heart out there and risking getting hurt again.

My mom sighs. “Your sister would make you part of her special day.”

I laugh at my mom. “Please. You and dad may have apologized, but Simone hasn’t tried to extend an olive branch.”

“It’s because she’s busy with her job, sweetheart,” my mom defends.

“Too busy to call and apologize? Bullshit, mom! I’m always busy and I make fucking time for those I care about. She had no problem calling and bitching me out for ‘guilting’—her word, not mine—you guys into moving to Colorado. She could have apologized then, but she didn’t. And if she’s too ‘busy’ with work to reach out and make amends, then she’s too busy to stand in as maid of honor,” I lash out.

Our bickering ends when Opal comes out of the changing room wearing one of the bridesmaid dresses, looking like a Grecian goddess. The gown is elegant and accentuates her hourglass figure in the most sensual of ways. Mom and I stand in breathless awe.

“You look stunning, Opal,” I say.

“That dress was made for you,” my mom admits appreciatively.

Opal blushes and smiles, shy and sweet as always. “I hope Gauge likes it.”

“Oh, he definitely will,” I say with a wink. Opal’s smile spreads from ear to ear.

“Well,” Ebony calls from behind the dressing room door. “Not to outdo Jo or Opal, but I’m confident all eyes will be on me.”

Ebony bursts through the door, wearing the tightest, shortest, most revealing bridesmaid dress I’ve ever seen. The dress is sleeveless with a corset bodice, displaying her well-endowed chest like it’s on a serving tray. Ebony’s black hair comes nearly to the hemline of the dress, barely below her bootylicious butt-cheeks.

She lookshot, like Vegas showgirl, majorly hot. Ebony is right—all eyes are on her.

I let out a low whistle. “Damn, girl.”

Opal covers her mouth, giggling at my reaction.

Both Punk and Jared nod their heads, agreeing with my assessment.

But Tony…Tony is looking at Ebony like he met the mother of his future children. His mouth drops and his baby-blue eyes are wide. I actually use my hand to bring his jaw back up, sniggering as I do so, but Tony doesn’t seem to care. His eyes roam over Ebony like he’s trying to undress her.

Ebony notices his undivided attention and gives him one of her killer smiles, blowing him a kiss. That seems to snap him out of his trance, and he blushes hard.

She gives me a pleading look. “Please, please, can I wear this one? The others are too restrictive. They make me look like a nun.”

I snort. “I highly doubt you could look like a nun in anything you wear, even if you were wearing a habit.” I pause and notice how happy she is. “I have no problem with you girls wearing different dresses, as long as you guys are comfortable and happy with whatever you pick out, I’m cool with it. Keep in mind the gowns will be emerald though—it’s my only request.”

Both Ebony and Opal jump with giddiness.

My mother looks like she’s ready to shoot laser beams out of her eyes. “Josephine Freya Holland, you can’t be serious?!”

Whoa!My mom used my full name—she hasn’t used it since I was a kid.

“Jo’s in troubleee,” Jared sing-songs his taunt.

I suppress giving my best friend the finger and address my mother instead. “Mom, it’s fine.”

My mom is miffed. “The dress istoorevealing. Think about your guests and what they might think.”