Page 121 of Lips On My Soul

I punch in the override code on the keypad by the door and quickly sneak outside. I crouch and peek over the stone wall toward the garages.

Shit.Eagle is outside, polishing his bike right by the garages, and Reaper is making his way from the mechanics’ shop to Eagle. There’s no way to get to my Subaru without either of them noticing. And by some luck if I could, there’s no way I could make it off the property without activating the security gate to open. Chase will be all over that.

Fuck.I didn’t think this through at all. I look at the keys in my hand and notice I have all the work keys on my chain.

Thank you, God!

I wait ‘till I’m sure Reaper and Eagle aren’t looking in my direction and make a mad run for the build site two acres over. I cut through the dense foliage and tall grass to avoid detection instead of the cleared trail.

“Please don’t let a snake pop out. Please don’t let a snake pop out,” I chant to myself as I race through the overgrowth.

Luckily, I come out by the build site snake-bite free. I’m not surprised the site is already shut down for the day, seeing as it’s late afternoon on a Friday.

I race to the pickup truck we use to run errands in. Starting the engine, I drive off the lot and make my way to the road from the other end of the property. It’s the road we made on the hundred acres for the heavier construction rigs and delivery trucks to use. There’s no fence around this gate and I’m able to drive around it. I make it to the main road and peel off in the direction I need to go.

Hang on, Mom and Simone, I’m coming.