Page 72 of Lips On My Soul

“Okay, lets shower and I’ll take you both.”

Simone throws me a desperate look—she doesn’t understand that Maceo won’t let me out of his sight unless I have one of his men watching over me.

“Babe, I need a different bodyguard.” I don’t elaborate.

Maceo scowls and cocks his head. “More wedding stuff? That I can’t see? Fine. Take Punk—Tony is on assignment watching our favorite Peeping Tom.”

I shake my head. “After how he and Simone verbally trashed each other? No.”

Maceo lifts his chin to his brother. “Okay. Take Chase.” Chase stands from the wingback, ready to take my sister anywhere.

Simone’s eyes go wide. She looks at me, almost pleading for me to intervene. I shake my head at my fiancée. “Chase is too busy to be running us around on a petty errand.”

“I’m not busy today,” Chase intervenes, staring at me in challenge.

Yeah, sorry, Chase—not happening. “I’ll take Flay,” I say quickly.

Maceo grinds his teeth, not understanding why I would shoot down his third in command. “Flay doesn’t typically do your security detail. Why him?”

Because he’s a medical professional and will keep his damn mouth shut.“Neither does Chase. And what we plan on doing Flay will be more suited.”Please, Maceo, leave this alone.

Now Maceo looks worried. “Baby, what’s going on?”

Jeez.“Babe, it’s nothing.”

“Bullshit! I want to know why you want the medic with you,” Maceo says with a hint of anger.

Simone speaks up. “Is it absolutely necessary to take a bodyguard?”

“Yes,” both men say with finality.

Simone looks shocked. “But Jacob’s dead—there’s no more threat.”

“There’s always a threat, little sister,” Maceo says. His eyes swing back to me. “Where are you going, Josephine?”

“It’s not for you to know,” I say flippantly.

“The hell it’s not! Two reasons: Esteban and Lorenzo. Now spill!”

I throw my hands in the air. “We’re going to my gynecologist. Are you happy?”

Maceo freezes for a moment before his eyes shine like obsidian. “Baby, you’re doing it already?”

Ah, fuck.He’s referencing my IUD removal, which I scheduled two weeks before the wedding. I need to put the brakes on this before he gets his hopes up.

Maceo rushes in and picks me up in his big arms, squeezing me against him in a crushing hug. “Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Oh. My. God. Pixie, I can’t tell you how fucking happy this makes me. And I’mtotallygoing. I want to be there to hold your hand.”

Well, shit.So much for himnotgetting his hopes up.He’s going to be upset when I tell him he’s got it wrong, and I absolutely hate letting him down.

“Oh, for crying out loud! We’re not going there for her. We’re going there for me,” Simone shouts.

Maceo pauses. “Pardon?”

“We’re going there for me,” Simone repeats more calmly.

“Why?” Chase demands, suddenly beside my sister.

She jumps, surprised. “Not your business, but you already heard my boyfriend cheated on me. Why the hell do you think I’m going?”