Page 7 of Lips On My Soul

My Pixie does have a sharp tongue, but I’d take it over the silence treatment. Flustered, I groan. “Gah, I don’t want you to be mad at me.”

“Well, you should have considered my feelings before lying to me and going behind my back,” she seethes.

“I didn’t lie! I omitted. I told you I was meeting with some people in Los Angeles. You assumed it was work-related.”

Josephine throws a glare in my direction, which screams ‘Oh, please.’

“It’s not the same,” I argue, but Josephine doesn’t care about the technicality. I roll my eyes to the ceiling. “And I did think about you. The more I considered your feelings, the more certain I became about seeing this through. They owe you an apology for being shitty.”

“I deserve an apology fromyou,” she retorts.

I shake my head. “I’m not sorry I did it. I’m aware it sucks for you right now, but I did the right thing for everyone. I only regret hurting you in the process. But it will be worth it in the end, I promise.”

“Well, I guess you’ll have to live with my silent treatment ‘till I’m over it,” she chides.

Goddamn, this woman is extraordinarily stubborn!Yes, her anger is well deserved, and I accept it, but I hate it all the same.

I fall to my knees in front of her. “Baby, please don’t be angry with me.”

She glowers at me but doesn’t pull away when I reach for her hands. If she’s letting me touch her, it’s a good sign. Her wrath towards me may be coming to an end.Thank fuck.

“What did you say when you saw them?” she asks quietly, squeezing my hands.

I squeeze her right back, grateful for any attention she gives. “I introduced myself as your fiancé, and they let me in. They were aware of what happened with Jacob and tried to call you, but you blocked them,” I say, giving her a pointed look. I’ve been on her blocked call list before and understand how traumatizing it can be.

She shrugs. “They pissed me off the last time they called.”

I nod, remembering our engagement party when she went off on her dad over the phone. He asked if I was isolating her from her family, and my girl went savage. Josephine saying they pissed her off is an understatement. It was an epic bitch fest—one-sided of course, since Josephine dominated the argument.

“They asked what happened with Jacob and I told them.”

It’s not something I dwell on. Josephine goes to her counseling sessions and relives the moment when he kidnapped her, beat her, and nearly raped her often enough. She doesn’t need to be reminded of it any more than need be. I hate mentioning his name to her now.

Josephine shivers. I join her on the couch, wrapping my arms around her protectively. “What else?” she asks.

I kiss the end of her elfin nose. “I told them you were the love of my life, and I wanted their permission and blessing to marry you.”

Josephine rolls her blue eyes. “We already agreed you didn’t need to follow tradition.”

“Traditions are important,” I defend. “When we start our own family, I hope to make more traditions.”

Josephine looks away with a sigh. “What did they say when you asked them to marry me?”

I smirk. “Gave me their blessing and called me ‘son.’ Then they invited Gauge and me for dinner.”

Josephine’s head whips back to me so fast that I’m afraid she might snap her neck. “Nu-uh!”

My smile grows wider. “They insisted we stay the night before making the trip back home.”

Josephine’s pupils widen. “I don’t believe you.”

I chuckle, watching her tweak out. “Your dad makes a mean brisket and your mom’s cornbread is to die for.”

Josephine jumps to her feet. “Holy shit!”

“They love me, baby,” I say with a laugh. “And they’re excited about the wedding. I invited them and Simone. Now you can go ahead and order the invitations since we have our final count.”

Josephine’s hands fly to her head. “Oh. My. God!”