Page 54 of Lips On My Soul

“We’re on. Round up the crew.”

Gauge is not a morning person, but hearing we’re close to bagging Bianchi is like a triple espresso to his senses. He wakes the others and has everyone in the tech room with minutes to spare. Chase and Ziggy jump on the monitors and bring up the surveillance footage.

“Ring up the kid,” I order.

Chase calls Tom and puts him on speaker. He answers on the first ring. “Hello?”

“You’re about to make contact with Pretty Paolo outside your apartment. Brass has eyes on you, and we’re going to feed you your lines. Do you understand?” I say in a controlled voice.

“Yes, sir,” Tom says with a tremor. “I have myself wired and my earpiece in like Chase showed me.”

I nod. “Good. Go ahead and turn it on. I know this seems scary, and you’re probably nervous, but I want you to try to maintain some sort of composure.”

“I don’t know if I can be composed around the dude. He scares the shit out of me. I’m always nervous when I see him,” Tom confesses.

“Then your demeanor will be natural and more in our favor, Tom,” I placate him.

Tom sighs and connects his earpiece to our system, disconnecting his cell. “Okay, I’m ready.”

Gauge takes over the reins. “Head downstairs and act surprised when Paolo pops out. He’ll be suspicious if you aren’t.”

We hear the creak of the old wooden stairs as Tom makes his way out of his campus apartment.

Surveillance shows Tom opening his complex’s door onto the street. Tom starts to run toward the trails and doesn’t make it ten feet before Paolo steps into his path. Tom skids to a halt and grabs at his chest. A loud thump is heard on the speakers.

“Get your damn hand off the speaker, kid,” Chase growls out.

The surveillance shows Tom swiftly removing his hand from his chest, hearing Chase loud and clear.

Paolo stands stoically in front of our snitch. He says nothing, waiting for Tom to update him.

We rehearsed how this would play out yesterday. Tom practically had the lines memorized on what he was to say, but we still are going to feed him his script.

Cameras show Tom swallowing his nerves. “Um, I have an update for you.”

Gauge tells him his lines, and Tom repeats them back to Paolo. “Saw them with their dog running yesterday on the trail. First time I’ve seen her running and not biking in weeks.”

Paolo waits, expecting more. Tom shuffles from side to side.

Gauge looks at me, asking permission with his eyes to continue. I didn’t want to reveal anything personal between Josephine and me, but Paolo has learned enough about our sexual endeavors to know there’s no way we weren’t intimate out on the trail at least once this week.

Grinding my teeth, I nod. Gauge gives Tom more lines. “He took her behind the boulder again.”

Paolo nods and gives him a look, a look which says, ‘spill your guts.’

Tom blushes as Gauge tells him his next line. “He was going down on her.”

Punk starts pacing the room, shaking his head angrily—he’s pissed revealing this personal information about the two of us as much as I am.

Surveillance shows Paolo cocking his head and raising an eyebrow. “And?”

Is this a fucking joke? Does the sick bastard want more details about me eating out my woman?

I’m not alone in my thinking. All of my brothers snarl their disgust.

Tom said Paolo would ask for more specifics if he believed there was more to report. When we pressed Tom for an explanation, he said Paolo hadn’t pushed for more detail lately. The only reason I can surmise for the sudden interest is that we deviated from our normal quickie.

This was different. This was new, something we hadn’t done before on the trail, meaning it was information that Paolo would want to introduce to his boss. Or maybe he only wants to hear it for his own cheap kicks.