Page 3 of Lips On My Soul

Chapter One


“Where the hell have you been?!”

It’s not the homecoming welcome I had hoped for, but it’s the one I expected from my feisty, independent bride-to-be. I was gone for four days—one more day than I planned—and my Pixie is pissed.

Not any kind of pissed—we’re talking mega, flip her braid, hand on hip, you’re not getting sex tonight kind of pissed. Her attitude is adorable, and I find it irresistible.

I get her anger. I left shortly after the Jacob fiasco. I didn’t want to go, but I felt compelled to start reconciling the feud between Josephine and her family. They’re remorseful and love their daughter. After everything that happened with her ex, Jo needs extra love and support. She fucking deserves it.

Josephine and I have pretty much been inseparable for weeks, more so since the abduction. The extra day away added stress she didn’t need, but I couldn’t explain why I needed the additional time without her becoming suspicious. I sent her a vague text saying we would be one more day and didn’t elaborate why.

Of course, this upset her because I had already promised my trip would be three days tops. And now she’s letting me see exactly how angry she is.

The alpha asshole in me doesn’t give a shit if she’s going to rip me a new one. I’m going to love on my woman. We both need it.

How do I know this? We both have the same tells, rubbing our chest where our hearts ache to reconnect. She’s upset, yes, but she needs me.

I climb off my hog and swagger toward Josephine, taking in her alluring form. She’s looking sexy as fuck standing there in her tight construction clothes and messy French braid.

When I get within reach, I gently grab her by the waistband of her jeans, drag her small frame against mine, hold her in place, and bend to claim her rosy lips. More than once, she has told me not to treat her with kid gloves post-Jacob, but it’s still difficult to revert to my typical domineering behavior with her. She was assaulted. How can I not proceed with caution?

When I sense her stiffening, I break contact and look into her eyes. I need to assess if she’s okay with this or if I need to back the fuck off. Josephine responds by wrapping one arm around my neck, pulling me back in.

Game on!I slant my mouth over hers and start devouring her. It’s not long ‘till she’s gripping my shirt in her tiny fist and kissing me back with as much gusto.

All too quickly, the kiss ends, and she pushes away from my chest, recalling she’s an angry sprite.

Damn.I was hoping for more cuddles before having to face her wrath.

I bite back a growl building in my throat, not because I’m angry she shoved me, but because her aggression turns me on, and I want her to take it all out on me. The woman could slap me across the face if she wanted, and my cock would go rock hard, I swear.

I’m trying so hard to behave right now for her, and she’s making it fucking difficult when she’s like this. Feisty Josephine is hot as hell, and seeing my woman sporting her pre-Jacob-attack temperament makes my heart swell with hope.

Maybe she’s serious about picking up where our relationship left off, leaving what happened in the past. Too bad, I’m too scared to test the theory this soon after everything.

“You don’t get the right to any more kisses without explaining yourself. I asked you where you have been, Maceo! You promised me you’d be gone for three days—not four. You role your tardy ass in here, acting like you’re fashionably late, and believe you can kiss your way into my good graces? Well, fuck that and fuck you!”

She turns on her heels to stomp away, but I snatch her by her slender waist and sweep her up in a threshold carry.

Typically, I would throw her over my shoulder and slap her hard on her fabulous round bottom. However, she’s still recovering from broken ribs, and I don’t want to investigate smacking her peach anytime soon. My girl survived a beating from a predator, for crying out loud. I don’t want to give her any reason to be alarmed.

She scowls and folds her arms. “Put me down, you beast.”

“Never, Pixie.” I have a proud smile on my mug, nodding at the guys around the site. They all snigger, shaking their heads, and watch me carry off their boss. Jared, the general contractor, rolls his eyes but gives me a little salute when I stroll past.

At my hog, I put her on her dainty feet and swing my leg over the seat. “Get on,” I command.

She gives me a huff and plants her steel-toed boots firmly in the dirt. She has no intention of doing anything I ask—defiant little hellcat.

Chuckling, I lift her under her arms, hoisting her onto the front of my motorcycle, and make her straddle my lap. Quickly, I rev the engine, coasting us out of the work zone, and onto the open highway.

Hitting the throttle, Josephine squeals when the bike opens up. Her grip tightens around me in this new position, making her perky breasts press flush against my chest. My cocky grin spreads.

Gauge, my second-in-command and best friend, split once we reached home in Fort Collins, Colorado. He went to the club rental to get his hands on his girl, Opal. And I headed to the new location of the Mercy Ravens MC Security headquarters, where Josephine is my architectural engineer.

Mine and Josephine’s destination isn’t the rental. There’s one place I can ravage my fiancée without interruption, and we’re heading there now.