Page 23 of Lips On My Soul

“There’s no way any of the crew would have turned,” Josephine says defiantly, making my heart swell with pride. She loves my brothers as much as I do.

“Don’t worry, we’ll sort it out,” I reassure her with a wink.

* * *

We pull up to the MC rental around five. It won’t be long until we move out of this micro-size dump and in the new spacious headquarters.

I can’t wait for our own room, with a giant bed, and no bunkmates. Josephine doesn’t let me fuck her in the rental, aside from the shower, and honestly, I’m glad. I can tolerate a lot of things, but having one of my brothers watching me ravish her in bed is not one of them.

I’ve barely helped Josephine off my bike when Hades comes barreling out of the garage and leaps into my arms. The dog clearly missed me while I was away. I bring him to the ground and let him lick me all over before playing with him. He barks happily before making a beeline to hismamá. She bends and plants a big kiss on his black velvet snout. He whines with happiness and bounds back into the garage, where he flops next to Chase.

I look at my watch and grimace. We have a short window to get showered and meet her parents for dinner. I have yet to break the lovely news to Josephine. I didn’t want to agree to dinner, but Stella insisted. I said yes to keep the peace, but I’m kicking myself for caving. Josephine could really use a night away from her parents to calm down, but I’m the schmuck who couldn’t tell her mother no.

I lean in to kiss Josephine. “Can you get a shower going for us? I need to have a quick word with Chase.” She kisses me again before sashaying her delectable ass all the way into the house.

On my way to the garage, Candy rushes out the rental side door by the kitchen and intercepts me. I groan because I already know what she wants to talk about.

“Atlas, I’m glad you’re home. You wouldn’t believe the shit going on behind your back. I’m sorry to break it to you, but your fiancée is cheating on you with Punk and Reaper. Even Opal got in on it. You don’t deserve this,” she rambles frantically, rushing to get it all out before anyone can stop her.

I fold my arms over my chest. If I had never heard the truth come from Josephine, I still would have been able to detect Candy’s lie, with her shifty eyes and dilating pupils.

“Candy,” I say, “first of all, I know you’re lying, and Jo’s not cheating on me.” I go on to run down all the reasons why I know Candy’s lying and watch her face grow beet-red with each word. “Lastly, they all beat you to the punch. This news is old as fuck.”

Candy stares at me in shock. I guess she’s surprised Josephine confessed what the sleeping arrangements were.

I give her a hard look. “Candy, it seems to me, you have a problem with my fiancée.”

“I’m only looking out for you,” she whispers, shame lacing her tone.

“By badmouthing my woman and lying to my face?”

Candy gulps.

“I told you once before if I heard you talking shit about her again, I would throw you out,” I remind her.

“Please, no, Atlas. I’m sorry I exaggerated, but I wanted you to know what happened,” she pleads.

My eyebrows narrow. “Josephine has been nothing but sweet to you after you both had it out, and this is how you repay her? Trying to drive a wedge between my future wife and me? Your excuse is weak, and I’m tired of your bullshit. Between the crap you pull with my woman and Opal, and attempting to sabotage the brotherhood I have with two of my men, I’ve had enough.”

Candy’s eyes widen with horror. “Atlas, I beg of you, don’t kick me out. I have nowhere to go. I can’t go back to the streets.”

“No more insubordination will be tolerated. Do I make myself clear?” I warn, glaring at her shrinking figure.

Candy whimpers. “I’m sorry, Atlas. It won’t happen again.”

I grumble before moving past her to the garage where Chase, my third-in-command, is working. Gauge sits on one of the stools with Opal perched on his knee. From the look on his face, I can guess Candy tried painting Opal as a cheater too.

Opal, pretty as a picture, has tears running down her cheeks. I have a sudden urge to make good on my threat to Candy. Opal is gentle and needs defending from jealous bitches. If Josephine saw Opal in this state, she would gouge out Candy’s eyes with her bare hands.

I look Gauge square in the eye. “Your woman did nothing wrong. Punk and Reaper never touched her or Josephine.”

Gauge looks at me and back to his woman. He tucks her rainbow streaked blond hair behind her ear and gives her a kiss on her temple. “I know Candy’s lying. My girl would never go behind my back, but she hurt Opal’s feelings. You know my girl is soft—never says a bad thing about anyone. She’s upset and doesn’t understand why Candy would do that.”

“There’s no fucking reason for it other than Candy’s a connivingputa,” I hiss. I bend over and kiss the top of Opal’s head, letting her know she’s loved and protected. She gives me a sad smile and leans into Gauge.

Chase, my third in command, glares at me from where he sits at his temporary control center. “Candy has to go. Conspiring to get not only Jo and Opal into trouble, but two ofourbrothers is an attack on the club.”

I agree. “She says she has nowhere to go.”