Page 135 of Lips On My Soul

Josephine nudges me to get moving. I sigh with resignation, sliding out of bed, butt-ass naked.

Jared mutters, “Sweet Lord!”

Ziggy throws his hand over Jared’s eyes. “Bro!”

Josephine sniggers. “Impressive, right?”

It dawns on me they’re referring to my junk, and it takes all my self-control not to strut like a cock or make a helicopter move. They’re in my room. What did they expect?

“Mines totally bigger,” Punk brags. Always trying to be the golden goose in the room.

Shaking my head, I zip my shorts. “Unless you had a growth spurt, we all know I’m the most hung in the house.”

Chase thumbs his chest. “No, I am.”

“Jesus, I live with children,” Gauge mutters, but he has a devilish glint in his eyes. “On the count of three, we whip them out and compare.”

Punk jumps up, always eager for a competition. “Game on.”

“Ugh! That’s it. Everyone out,” Josephine orders, pointing to the door. “Jared, you stay.”

“Why does Jared get to stay?” I huff.

“Because we have spa treatments and massages,” Jared announces like a chorus line. “Eduardo and his crew will be here in less than two hours to pamper the hell out of us.”

Punk does a double-take. “And I wasn’t invited? What the hell, sis?”

“You’re with the groom’s party. The spa is for the bride’s party,” Josephine explains.

I want to laugh at the disappointed look on Punk’s face. “Thought you didn’t like spa shit?”

“Who doesn’t like a massage?” Punk protests. “I get tense. I like to have my knots worked out.”

“Nope. You get to golf,” I say sarcastically. What can I say—misery enjoys company, and if I’m stuck golfing instead of hanging out with my woman, then Punk can suffer along with me.

Gauge lassos the air with his finger. “Let’s round up the boys and meet in fifteen. Atlas, grab your suit, shower shit, and whatever else you need, and throw it in my room. You two are officially restricted from seeing each other ‘till showtime.”

Sulking, I brush my teeth and collect my crap for the day. Before I leave, I bend over the bed and plant a juicy kiss on Josephine’s rosy lips. “I’ll see you soon, Missus Tabares.”

Josephine blesses me with one of her mega-watt smiles. “You bet your sweet ass, Mister Tabares.” She spanks my butt for good measure as I turn to leave.

“I’ll miss you,” she calls.

“I’ll miss you more,” I reply.

“I’ll miss you the most,” she counters.

“I’ll miss you the most times a hundred.”

She giggles. “I’ll miss you the most times a thousand.”

“I’ll miss you the most times a—”

Gauge grabs me by the collar of my shirt and hauls me away to the beautiful sound of my woman laughing her head off.