Page 134 of Lips On My Soul

“What? Don’t want to see your bestie first thing in the morning?” He smirks at me before he nods at Punk. “This fucker woke me with his pounding.”

“I was only pounding because this fucker woke me with his pounding,” he explains, humping the air to get his point across.

Gauge lets out a belly laugh. “How loud were you too? Aren’t the rooms soundproof? Oh, shit! If they’re not, nobody better mention a word of it to my girl. She would be humiliated.”

“Walls are soundproof. Doors…not so much. Doesn’t matter because we already know Opal’s a screamer,” Chase says from behind him. “We all lived in the same rental with paper-thin walls.”

Gauge points at him. “Talk about my woman like that again and I’ll feed you your balls.”

Chase laughs and mimics locking his lips. “Well, this was earlier than planned, but I guess the early bird gets the worm.”

I frown, not understanding. “The fuck you talkin’ about?”

My brothers roll their eyes. “It’s bro time. Come on. Adriel Hills is calling. Followed by lunch atBianchi’s Italiano Restaurantefor shits, kicks, and giggles—consider it like pissing on the fucker’s grave. Lloyd is expecting the whole crew to come to his new joint for haircuts and straight razors at 1300. We need to get you back here before 1500 for the big show,” Gauge says.

I squeeze my woman, not wanting to part ways. “I’m running and eating breakfast with my woman this morning.”

Punk throws his head back and makes a snoring noise. “Boooring! Come on, Prez. Last moment of freedom before you’re stuck with the ball-n-chain.”

Josephine shoots Punk an irritated look. “Excuse me!”

“I’m kidding,” Punk teases with a smile.

Glowering, I refuse to budge from Josephine’s side. “We had enough bro time earlier this week when you threw me a bachelor party.”

It was an epic burn Atlas fest. While the women threw Josephine a charming bridal shower/bachelorette party, I was pelted with paintballs by my brothers, roasted by all the guys over dinner, and whipped with my own belt by a dominatrix the guys hired. I still have bruises from those assholes paying that woman to beat me.

My brothers laugh at my expense. “Today is totally for you. Jo made us promise to be on our best behavior after you cried to her about the bachelor party,” Chase teases.

“Careful, Chase. I’m not above paying a dwarf wrestler to pound on you when you decide to get hitched,” I warn.

Punk shakes with laughter. “We’ll have to remember your suggestion if Chase can ever convince Simone to take a chance on him.”

“Asshole,” Chase mutters. Simone hasn’t exactly warmed to the idea quite yet. After her abduction last week, she has been stuck to Josephine’s side like superglue. The two have been going through counseling together, being each other’s support system. The closest Chase has gotten anywhere with her was the stolen moment on his bike—well, and sleeping on the couch in her room at night, to be there in case she needs anything.

The suite door opens, and Ziggy and Jared walk in, hand in hand. Ziggy is dressed in ridiculous checkered golf shorts in loud colors, a polo, and matching visor. “I call dibs on driving the golf cart,” Ziggy hollers.

Irritated with another intrusion, I growl. “We’re buying a do not disturb sign for our door,” I tell Josephine.

“Nah. Too much money. Use a sock,” Punk says, flopping on our bed. “Get your ass up or I’m coming in to snuggle with both of you.”

“The fuck you are,” I snarl. My hands reflexively covering my woman’s already covered body.

“You better go,” Josephine says. “I can run on the treadmill and put Hades on the one next to me.”

Hades grumps from his bed in the corner, not liking the idea of running on a machine. He rolls over and gives us his back, letting it be known he won’t budge if he isn’t going to the trails.

“Dammit. Guess I’ll be running by myself on the treadmill.”

“All the more reason for me to stay and do my normal routine with you,” I argue.

This is our last day with Hades before we fly off to Spain for our honeymoon on Ibiza Island. The hellhound isn’t going to run with anyone once we’re gone—he’ll probably sulk around the house or live in Chase’s tech room ‘till we return.

Punk’s having none of it. “You two aren’t allowed to see each other before the wedding. Technically, we’re saving you guys from doom.”

Gritting my teeth, I look at my brothers. “Who’s manning headquarters and guarding the women?”

“It’s covered. I got Luke to send over two cops for the day,” Gauge answers. “Let’s roll.”