Page 103 of Lips On My Soul

I grit my teeth, already knowing the answer to my question. “Who was your pimp?”

Candy looks at me with red-rimmed eyes and tears rolling down her face. “Lorenzo Bianchi.”

Josephine starts crying. “Please tell me Tony didn’t know?”

Candy shakes her tamed pink hair. “No. He must have come back to the Bianchi empire after I ran away. I never met Tony until Atlas called on Bianchi for security protection for you. From what I’ve heard, Bianchi got out of the flesh trade right after I ran away—without his number one whore, business dried up. I doubt Tony knew about the small brothel. Bianchi only shared top secret information with Pretty Paolo and Lucky Luca.”

Candy shivers. “Luca was the worst one—he liked to make you hurt, like it was the only way he could get off.”

Josephine shivers beside Candy, holding her closer.

I’m appalled that Candy stood silently by when I had these men guarding my woman. “Why didn’t you say anything to me about Bianchi when we hired his men on? Dammit, Candy, I would have sent them packing to protect Josephine and you.”

The look she gives me is heart-crushing. “I learned long ago not to question men in power. I didn’t want to be tossed out of the club, making me keep my mouth shut.”

I nod even though I don’t totally understand.

“Bianchi and his men didn’t come out to our rental, so for a long time, I didn’t know,” Candy continues. “It wasn’t until one day when Paolo was dropping Jo off that I noticed him. And he noticed me. I was terrified Bianchi would come for me, but as long as I stuck close to the MC, I knew I was safe, or so I believed.”

I already know where this is going. Candy is a victim in this as much as Tom is. “Who approached you first and when?”

Josephine hands Candy a tissue. She blots at her eyes and takes a shaky breath. “Right after Jo was attacked by her asshole-ex. Those first few days, when she was home and recovering, I and the other bunnies were doing what we could to help. I went to the grocery shopping by myself because Red was busy doing the laundry, and Ebony and Opal were prepping for dinner. Lucky Luca grabbed me when I was on my way out of the grocery store. I was terrified. He threatened to drag me back to Bianchi if I didn’t do as they asked.”

“That would have been around the time I told Bianchi we no longer needed his help,” I mutter.

“To drive his point home, he pushed me in the car and...” Candy sobs. “I would have agreed to do anything to get him to stop.”

Josephine rocks Candy ‘till she’s able to continue with her story. “I was given a burner and told they would contact me. The next day, I got a call and was told to make nice with Chase, to use my charm to get close to him. I refused and told the person to go to hell, but then I was threatened. The person told me if I didn’t follow through, Luca would deal with me. They knew what would scare me into complying.”

Candy sniffles. “My first mission was to get any and all passwords to get through our firewall. They made me connect an encrypted mini drive to his main computer. I didn’t want to use Chase. To be honest, he didn’t make it easy. He guards his computers with his life. I’m just good at being sneaky after years of surviving on my own.”

Candy hiccups and tries to calm down. “My second mission was to create as many problems between the two of you as I could. It’s why I was always running to you and ratting on Jo. I didn’t want to, not just because I knew you wouldn’t tolerate it, but because I like Jo. I think she’s good for you.”

I run my hands up my face and into my hair. At least I know who our mole is and why Candy had been scheming against our relationship. It would be easy to blame Candy for being a traitor if I didn’t know her back story. She’s coming clean, but her timing… “Why are you telling us this now?”

Candy sniffles and looks at Josephine. “Jo put things into perspective last week at the mall. She made me feel like I belonged, that I was part of the family. I did what I did to survive, not realizing I was putting everyone else at Bianchi’s mercy—that my family was in danger. I wrestled with how to tell you, scared you’d kick me out. I decided this morning my family is more important. If I’m kicked out, so be it, I still had to tell you.”

“You’re not getting kicked out, Candy, but you have to understand that everyone is going to be hurt and angry when they find out. Maceo and I will do everything we can to show them you were forced,” Josephine says soothingly.

Part of me wants to argue, to say Candy has drawn her last straw, and what she did is unforgivable. But when I look at Candy, really look at her, I see a broken and fragile woman who was taken advantage of in the most horrid way. Luca hurt her…he will be the next to suffer slowly, after Lorenzo.

“Of course not, and I’m sorry I threatened you.” I sit in the closest wingback and face her, taking Candy’s hand in mine. “You did something wrong when you didn’t trust this family enough to come to us right away, but you’re doing something about it now. If there’s anything you can tell us that may help us find this hacker and stop him, now would be the time to share it.”

Candy looks cautiously at me, licking her lips nervously. “Well, I may know something, but I don’t know if it will help.”

“Anything big or small could be the break we need,” I say with reassurance. I need her to trust me and open up.

“The burner and mini drive I was given may tell you something but maybe not. I was thinking more of who contacted me on the phone. It wasn’t Bianchi or any of his men. The voice was soft and sounded feminine—maybe a girl or young woman. I don’t know if it was your hacker or not, but I would look at your list of females,” Candy instructs.

A female?We’ve been referring to this hacker as a dude the whole time, but yes, a young female could be our hacker and our shooter. Already knowing our list consists of more men than women, this news will narrow our search significantly.

I squeeze Candy’s hand affectionately. “Thank you. You may have given us the lead we need.”

* * *

“I did it! I’ve found our hacker. Take that,motherfuckers!”

Gauge and I come rushing from our back offices into the tech area where Chase is doing a victory loop around the room.