Page 86 of Lips On My Heart

Chapter Fourteen


“She saidYES!” I holler out of the SUV’s window, pulling up to the rental after our weekend away.

My crew charges the SUV and yanks us both out, cheering and whistling like fucking frat boys at a rush party. Hugs and kisses for Josephine, and I get harassed and back slapped.

Hades jumps out of the window, barking and growling at all my men, defending me like the good boy he is. I rub his head to calm him down, and off he runs to the backyard. I’m swarmed once again by my brothers.

They all know I’ve been planning on proposing for weeks. It was a matter of finding the right place and time to pop the question. When Josephine asked when I had the ring made, her jaw dropped—I had it made the week after I got back from our mission, only three weeks after we met, but I’ve been planning it since day one.

Once I had the idea to take Josephine away for the weekend, I knew operation pop-the-question was a go. Apparently, all my men did too because they’re prepared, pulling out a beer keg, starting up the grill, and setting up tables. The bunnies fill them with platters of food to celebrate our engagement.

All the MC girls surround Josephine, examining her ring and asking how I popped the question. I smile at how sweet she is with all of them, including Candy.

One thing about Josephine I love is she gives everyone the benefit of the doubt, and that extends to the woman who has tried for the past year to get in my pants. It takes a lot for her to push someone away. I guess it’s why she has given me chance after chance to prove myself to her.

I smile and turn to Gauge. “This is cool of you guys. I appreciate it and I know Josephine does too, but how did you know I asked her?”

Gauge grins. “Chase. He saw you took some pictures on your phone of the two of you with the ring on her finger.”

“Hope you don’t mind, but I uploaded that picture of you guys to our company website. I cropped it to only show your hands, but I thought showing a more domesticated side to our crew would maybe help our image and the business,” Chase says, shrugging.

I smile and nod. I like the idea of showing the world my bride. The fact it’s only our hands makes me feel better. I don’t want our faces out there. Keeping her safe will always be my top priority.

“Which reminds me, Atlas, you went to Darnel to get the new ink and didn’t ask me to go?” Punk points at my ring finger.

I fist my hand and show it off proudly. “Fuck yeah, I did. Got my woman branded all over me,” I say smugly, lifting up my shirt and showing off my chest with her lips.

“That’s fucking sweet,” Gauge says, admiring the originality of my new tat. He looks over at Opal and back at me. “I may steal your idea if I find myself as lucky as you and Jo.”

I smirk. “We’ll make it a club thing. Have our old ladies’ lips tattooed on us.”

“You will not use that fucking awful title when talking about me,” Josephine yells from across the yard where she’s still hanging out with the bunnies.

Gauge and I bust a gut.Oh, she’s going to be hearing it a lot, maybe not from me, but from others. I will not call her that if it truly offends her. Right now, I’m proud as punch calling her my fiancée.

Damn. Josephine is my fiancée. How did I get so fucking lucky?

I look at my best friend with a smile. “Gauge, we’ve done everything together since boot camp. Care to follow me again as my best man on my biggest day?”

“Honor as always, brother,” Gauge says, clinking his beer cup with mine. We both down them in one gulp.

I nod at Chase and Punk to get their attention. “You two are standing up in the wedding as groomsmen, and I don’t want to hear no bitching. If Josephine says we’re wearing monkey suits, we’re wearing the fucking monkey suits.”

Gauge laughs at both of them because now he won’t be alone in dressing up. Chase folds his arms and curses, but Punk smirks. “Monkey suit or not, I’ll still look better than all of your sorry old asses. I’ll be like fucking James Bond up there next to you all. And it’s going to land me all the available pussy,” he says.

“You’re only three years younger than me,” Chase snorts. “Old asses my ass.”

“Whatever! Women want a man not a boy, Chase,” Gauge barks out in a laugh.

“I’m fucking twenty-four. Man enough to give it to them all night long while your thirty-year old ass will be a one-and-done,” Punk fires back.

Next thing I know, Gauge and Punk are in a wrestling match on the ground. The rest of my brothers are taking bets and egging them on.

Chase swings an arm around my shoulder, pointing to our two best brothers. “You know how you know if you’ve had a successful party? When a fight breaks out,” he chuckles.

I roll my eyes skyward and get in the middle to break up my brothers. A beer is placed in their hands. They laugh before bickering about which of them was winning the wrestling match before it got broken apart.