Page 70 of Lips On My Heart

I must have planted a seed, because the next day she asked me to help her get her GED, and I run with it. I help her fill out the registration paperwork that allows her to start online courses. She was only one semester away from graduation when she ran away from home. So she’s able to obtain her degree in three months if she’s really motivated. I told her to come out to the build site to use my computer for her studies, which she does every other day.

Maceo is rarely far if I need him for anything. Other than boxing or lifting weights at the gym or doing recon jobs close to home, he’s with me most of the time. When he isn’t, I’m with Punk and, on occasion, Gauge.

At least the build is going well. Installation and siding are on all the buildings. Interior framing is done. Plumbing and electric are being installed throughout, and as soon as that’s done, drywall will be in the works. I’m pretty pleased as I make my rounds around the construction site each day. By the end of week four, the rock paver patio and walk ways are being laid out, as well as the outdoor pavilion and grill station.

Maceo loves coming to pick me up at the end of every day and seeing the progress. It also makes me feel safer when he’s with me. Jared keeps pestering him about going out for drinks with the crew. He knows I won’t go without Maceo, but Maceo is more interested in getting me home and underneath him than getting wasted. I’m not complaining.

It’s the start of week five of the build and I’m running around checking in with my crew when one of my men pops up behind me, making me jump.

“Sorry, boss, but there’s a car up the road, sitting at the entrance. Wasn’t sure if you were expecting any visitors,” Cliff says, pointing to the location.

I scratch my head, trying to figure out what kind of delivery guy would be driving a flashy black car.Is that a Lamborghini?Definitely not a delivery driver. Is it someone that Maceo knows?

“Do you know where Punk is?”

Cliff thumbs the mechanic shop. “Taylor was asking about some kind of preference on where to install the built-in tool cabinets. You want me to go fetch him for you?”

I nod. “Him or Eagle or Stage. I’m going to head up there and check it out.”

“Sure thing boss,” he says before heading off to the mechanic garage.

I hike my ass up the hill toward the car parked directly across the approach. It dawns on me as I get closer that I should have grabbed Jared or any of the other guys. I back-pedal at the last possible second before freezing in place, staring at the dark tinted windows.

“Jo!” Eagle hollers at me, but I don’t take my eyes off the car. Something is off, I can feel it. The window rolls down, but I can’t see the driver from this angle.

“Josefina.” A dark foreign voice beckons from inside the dark car. “Toda sola.”

“Jo!” Eagle calls louder this time. He must be running up to me.

“Ven aquí, quiero hablar contigo,” the faceless voice purrs.

“Who are you?” I ask with a tremble in my voice I desperately don’t want to show.

“JO! Get away from the car!” Eagle roars with panic.

The car revs to life, startling me. I back-pedal again, worry building in my gut.This is bad.I do an about-face and start running down the hill at full tilt with Eagle hauling his long lean frame toward me.

The car peels off when I reach Eagle, who traps me against his side. Punk and Stage hop on their bikes and speed off in pursuit. A tremble works its way up my body. Jared and my crew members all hustle over to check on me, fear etched into their faces.

Eagle yanks out his phone but refuses to let go of me. He hits a button and puts it to his ear. “Build site now! Tell Chase to check traffic cams in search of a black Centenario Lamborghini. Yes, I got her. Punk and Stage are in pursuit, but they won’t catch him.”

Ten minutes later Maceo comes barreling onto the property in a huge black SUV. He skids on the breaks before slamming it into park. He jumps out, wearing the black tactical attire he wears when on a job and runs over to where I sit on the steps of the trailer, huddled against Jared.

“What the hell is going on, Atlas?” Jared questions angrily, rubbing his hand up and down my arm to soothe me. It’s not helping. Only Maceo’s touch will do.

“I’m going to find out,” Maceo growls at him, hauling me into his arms and cradling me like a child. He brings me around the vehicle and buckles me into the passenger seat. He climbs in behind the wheel and speeds off with Eagle tailing us on his bike.

We don’t stop until we reach the MC rental. Maceo climbs out and comes to my side before yanking the door open and sweeping me back into his muscled arms. He marches us into the garage with Eagle trailing. Chase and Gauge are inside, deep in discussion, both in tactical clothing—they must have rushed over from their recon job.

Gauge’s eyes narrow when he sees us. “What do we know?”

“She’s going to tell us.” Maceo sets me on a stool next to Chase and brings another one around to sit in front of me. My attention is fully on him when he takes my hands in his.

“Pixie, what happened?” Maceo says in a rough voice, which contrasts the soft circles he draws on the back of my hands with his thumbs.

“Cliff came and asked if I was expecting a visitor because a car had been sitting at the entrance for a while. I knew it wasn’t a delivery driver, and I asked Cliff to go grab one of your crew. Not thinking, I started to make my way up the hill toward the car because I figured it had to be someone you knew. I stopped before reaching it because it felt…off. The windows were tinted, and I couldn’t see who it was. The window rolled down a little, but I still couldn’t see in. I heard a man’s voice. Foreign. He spoke Spanish.”

“What did he say?” Gauge presses.