Page 64 of Lips On My Heart

“Likewise.” Lloyd’s eyes drop to Hades. “Oh, man! A Cane Corso. Damn, he’s a big boy.” Hades sniffs at him, wags his stubby tail, and backs up to Josephine.

“This is Hades,” Josephine introduces. “He’s a little protective. We’re going to hang out over here while we wait for Maceo.”

Lloyd’s eyes bulge. “Oh, man, she’s calling you by your birth name. You have fallen hard,hombre,” he hoots. “Come on dude. Let me make you look good again for your woman.”

Now, few guys will admit they like getting pampered, but we all fucking love it. A hair wash, a haircut, a good shave. They’re all things that help me relax. But as relaxed as I am, I continue to watch Josephine in the mirror sitting in the waiting area behind me. She watches me back with a cute smile.

Fuck, I want to have her right now.

Hades is a little restless as he waits. More than once he creeps over to where I’m sitting and lays his head in my lap. I pet his velvet head and he scoots back over to hismamáwhere she kisses the top of his nose.

“Man, Atlas, she’s a realbelleza. I’ve never seen you this fucking happy before,” Lloyd says as he works.

I smile because he’s right, I’ve never been this happy in my entire life. “Well, eyes and hands off. She’s mine.”

Lloyd laughs. “How did you two meet?”

Now it’s my turn to laugh. The asshole in me would have told everyone I knew I fucked her out on the trail, fifteen minutes after meeting her. But the part of me which protects Josephine will always win out. “She’s the architectural engineer for the new MC clubhouse.”

Lloyd’s eyes pop. “She like, designs buildings and shit?”

“Yep,” I say, holding as still as possible when he’s shaving my neck with a straight edge.

“She’s reasonable?”

“Yes. You got something you want built?”

Lloyd shrugs and finishes up. “I’m thinking about expanding, but I want to do it right, ya know.”

“Pixie,” I call. She comes up to me, and I reach out and take her hand to my face, rubbing skin on skin.

“Looking good, baby,” she coos, and I kiss the back of her hand.

I grin wickedly at her in the mirror. Her calling me ‘baby’ is the sexiest thing I’ve heard come out of her mouth—apart from screaming my name, or the moans she makes when I’m making love to her.

“Could you leave a business card here for Lloyd? He’s thinking about expanding.”

Josephine goes into full business mode, and next thing I know, Lloyd is planning on sitting down with her next week to go over plans for his new barbershop. I have to give Josephine credit, she knows how to sell her business.

We walk back to the car and my motorcycle arm in arm. I can’t help but scoop her up half a dozen times to kiss her all over. I’m loving how much closer I am now that my face is shaved. We take Hades to the trails to run off his energy before heading back to her condo.

The new door has finally been installed. Wanting to be alone with Josephine, I tell Ziggy and Butch to head back to the rental and get some rest. Hades bounds inside and over to his bed where he plops down and starts snoring.

I grab Josephine by the hips and kiss her long and deep. There are many things I want to do with this woman, but right now I want to take her for a long ride on my bike. Give her a break from all this break-in shit and spend time with her doing something I hope she’ll grow to love as much as I do.

“Go get on some jeans. We’re gonna go for a ride.” I better be careful with how handsy I get right now, or the only place we’ll be going is to her bedroom.

Josephine’s eyes shine and she bounces excitedly. “Okay,” she squeals with delight. I smack her ass as she runs to her room.

I go to grab my bag when I hear Josephine’s purse ping. “Babe, you got a text,” I call out.

“Can you check it for me? I want to make sure it’s not a delivery for the build site,” she answers back.

“No problem, baby.” I dig around in her purse. I pull her phone out and there are no messages. That’s weird. But I hear another ping. What the…?

I dig in her purse and pull out a simple black phone. I touch the screen and it lights up with a text from loafer-dick.

*I meant what I said, Keebler. Call me if you need anything. I’ll be waiting for you.*

My fingers wrap around the seemingly harmless device as my vision goes red.