Page 61 of Lips On My Heart

I stand from the bed and see Josephine shaking her head as she walks back to the bathroom with Hades close to her side. A couple seconds pass before I hear her again. “You’ve got to be kidding me!”

Quickly, I make my way to the bathroom, stepping over Hades in the hall. This time it’s not Red naked in the shower, but Candy butt-ass naked peeing on the toilet. A very angry Josephine is standing in the middle of the bathroom.

“The fucking door was closed, but she waltzed in and sat her ass down anyway,” Josephine rages.

I run my hand down my face. It’s bad enough Josephine found Red naked in the shower. She could have brushed it off as a heavy night of drinking, but having a completelysoberandnudeCandy invading her privacy is not going to fly under the radar.

Candy sneers. “Calm down, Pencil Skirt. I’m only peeing. Finish brushing your teeth and ignore me.”

“I don’t give a shit that you’re in here pissing. I do fucking care that you’re naked,” she seethes at Candy, but her laser eyes are on me.Yep, my pixie is super pissed now.

Candy finishes and flushes the toilet. “God, you’re such a prude!”

“And you’re a bitch,” Josephine retorts.

Time to step in.“Alright, that’s enough, ladies.”

Josephine whirls around on me. “Fuck off, Maceo. Just fuck off! I’m in no mood for your alpha male ego bullshit right now.‘Oh, look, two girls fighting over me. I better assert my dominance and let them know who’s boss.’Well, fuck that! I swear to God, if you try to brush this shit off as nothing, I’m fucking done.”

Okay, my mistake.My pixie is not pissed. She’s fucking livid. And, as much as I hate to admit it, she has a right to be.

I put my hands up in surrender. “I’m not defending shit. I get why you’re pissed and I hold nothing against you for being angry. I’m sorry you had to see any of this when you woke up this morning.”

I turn my gaze to Candy. “Get dressed. I don’t care that you live here rent free or sleep with anyone you want, but I do care if you’re walking around here naked. Keep that shit to the bedroom. This garbage is not going to transfer when we move into the new clubhouse. If I catch you or Red running around here like this again, you’re out, you got it?”

Candy stares at me with her mouth hanging open. “Are you for fucking real?”

“Don’t make me repeat it,” I say in a much more ominous tone, which makes Candy shiver. Candy gives me a nod and hustles her ass out of the bathroom.

Josephine pushes past me. “Pixie,” I call after her.

She grabs her bag and whistles for Hades to follow her.Shit. She’s running again.I block her exit by filling the hallway with my body, spreading my legs and arms. She swings her bag right at my crotch and connects with my balls. I go down like a lead balloon and she steps right over me. I’m sucking wind, trying to keep the nausea down, before I follow her outside.

She’s throwing her stuff in the car with a lot of force, making Hades too nervous to jump in. I grab her arm and pin her to her car. She tries to kick and swing but I block it.

I wait until she settles down before leaning my lips in toward her ear. “I’m sorry,” I apologize softly. It’s getting easier to be this open with her, but admitting I’m sorry is still difficult.

Anger radiates out of her and she struggles against me once more. Again, I wait for her to calm before continuing. “That shit will end, I promise. No more naked girls running around. No more lewd behavior for all to see. I can’t undo the past and what has already happened here, but I will make damn sure you are shown the respect you deserve. You’re my queen and you will be treated as one by all.”

Josephine huffs, but she doesn’t kick out. I know she’s no longer angry. She’s only upset we have to deal with this type of shit. I may need to send all the bunnies packing if they don’t get on board with some changes, and quick. My men won’t be happy about having to catch tail at bars every night instead, but I’m the fucking president and what I say goes.

I wrap my arms tight around her and wait. Slowly, Josephine wraps her arms around me, too.

“You promise me shit will change?” she asks with a small voice.

“Cross my heart,” I swear before leaning down and kissing her. I wince and adjust myself. She got me good.

Josephine looks ashamed. “I’m sorry I busted your nuts.”

I chuckle and help her into her car. “I’ll live. Not gonna lie, I’m pretty pleased you can bring a grown man down. Makes me feel good that you can defend yourself.”

Josephine follows me in her car as I ride my bike downtown. We leave Hades in her car with the windows down while we walk into the local café and order our food to go.

It feels a little surreal to be walking into one of these joints holding hands with the woman of my dreams. Less than a month ago, I would have been making fun of all the tools in the same situation. The idea would have bothered me before, and now I simply don’t care who sees me eating at a prissy joint like this with my pixie.

Josephine has a hard time hiding her exasperation when all the baristas strip me down with their eyes. I laugh and pull her in for a good long kiss in front of the whole café, letting it be known to all I’m taken, and that Josephine is fucking mine.

With scones and coffees in hand, we retrieve Hades and sit outside at one of the many small tables. Scones are fine for a breakfast snack, but I’m in real need of protein.