Page 55 of Lips On My Heart

My eyebrows go up. She’s very protective with her laptop’s contents. I would be too, if someone had stolen all my work. “Let’s check the rest of the place.”

Behind the kitchen is the laundry room followed by a powder room. All is good.

As we make our way to the end of the hall where her bedroom is, she gasps and covers her mouth.

“I did that,” I admit. “I’ll fix it later.”

We enter the bedroom and we both start to panic. All the drawers in the nightstands and the dresser are open. The lights are on in her bathroom and her walk-in closet. Josephine freezes and looks around the room, taking it all in. Her shoulders move up and down with silent sobs before I hear her cry.

I pull her into my arms. “Shh. It’s okay. I’m here,” I coo into her sandy hair. “I don’t want you to touch anything, but I want you to look and see if anything is missing.” She nods and I let her go.

Josephine starts in the bathroom and closet. Nothing appears to be missing, but she notices the cap is off of her perfume and a box of photos she keeps on the top shelf is on the floor. I’m starting to see she’s incredibly anal about where her things belong and the state she leaves them in.

In the bedroom she peers into her nightstands’ drawers—again, nothing is missing. At the dresser she pauses and starts to cry again.

“My underwear…some are missing, I think,” she says through her sobs.

Motherfucker!Some sick pervert was in my woman’s room and fucking swiped her damn panties.Enough of this shit.

I pull out my phone and dial 911. I give our location and explain the situation. I make a second call to Chase. He answers on the first ring. “Prez?”

“I need a security system installed in Josephine’s condo. I also want cameras installed at all the entrances. I want motion sensor lights everywhere. I need a new front door, preferably steel with several deadbolts. And send two men to watch over her place tonight,” I order.

I hear him starting up his computers. “Okay, but what the fuck is going on?”

I explain what occurred this evening at the condo, and the guy who got away with her lingerie.

“Shit,” Chase says angrily. “That’s fucked up. How’s Jo doing?”

I look over at my woman, sitting on the floor with her knees to her chest, crying with her head buried in her arms. “How do you think?”

“I’ll be over with a team shortly. The door may have to wait till morning, but if one of our men is out front and one is in the back, we should be okay.” He hangs up and I go to my pixie and pull her to her feet, taking her into the living room to wait for the police.

* * *

For nearly two hours, the police comb through the crime scene, dusting for prints, taking pictures, and interviewing Josephine and I. I’m grateful the police were all guys I know and worked with in the past on various missions or from my SEAL days. Luke Quire, a good friend of the MC, is lead detective on this case and he’s taking it very seriously, as he should.

He approaches me after talking to his guys. “Atlas, this doesn’t look good. This wasn’t some home robbery. Hell, I don’t even think it was some panty snatcher,” he says in a low whisper.

I know there’s more to it, but I want him to confirm my thoughts. “Go on,” I say.

He looks over his shoulder at my woman before turning to me. “The guy was digging, Atlas. He tried hacking into her computer. Luckily, it shut down after too many attempts. He snagged over half her underwear, the lingerie from what Jo said. He was browsing through her personal photos. God only knows what he may have taken from the box.

“But the thing that gets under my skin was the perfume cap being off the bottle. He wassniffingher perfume, like he was trying to smellher. Whoever he is, he not only interested in her sexy lingerie. He wants parts of her. Personal photos, panties, private information locked away on her computer, even her fucking scent,” he says, grimacing.

Anger rolls through me and I close my eyes to control it. I had my suspicions, but Luke brought it all home. My pixie is beingstalked.

Luke presses for more info. “Has she mentioned anything happening like this before, or seeing someone more often than what seems normal?”

I shake my head. “Not that I’m aware of.”

We both walk over to where Josephine is sitting, huddled in the corner of the couch. I walk behind her and put my hands on her shoulders for comfort while Luke sits next to her.

“Jo, can you tell me if anything like this has happened before?”

She shakes her head. “No. Never.”

“Have you noticed anything odd moved around in your apartment, or deliveries you never ordered? Have you noticed seeing a person more often than coincidence?” he asks.