Page 53 of Lips On My Heart

Chapter Nine


My cock has never been more aroused in my life. I watched the fight go down between my pixie and Candy. I just told Josephine about the bunnies and that she had nothing to fear, but I still worried she’d be insecure around them.

Understandably, most women would be. But I’m not into insecure women. Jealous women, yes. But insecure women, definitely not. If Josephine were to show insecurity, I would take her to bed until I stripped those insecurities away.

Much to my pleasure, Josephine took what I said to heart and she was interacting with Opal. I watched them through the kitchen window laughing over a drink, and I smiled. I wasn’t too concerned until I noticed Candy and Ebony come in.

Worried, I walked to the screen door off the side to see what was going on. Josephine graciously offered her drink to Ebony, which pleased me. Ebony and Opal are great girls, super nice. I was happy when I saw Josephine giving them a chance to prove how sweet and harmless they truly are. But all hell broke loose when Candy started ripping into Opal.

Ready to get involved, I stopped when Josephine took the reins. Here my girl was, defending Gauge’s girl after just meeting her. With a proud heart, I smiled because she believed me when I talked about Opal. My pixie was like me, defending those who couldn’t defend themselves.

Everything was good until I heard Candy telling Josephine she servicedmeall the time.

Fucking bitch! Who the fuck does she think she is?

I know Josephine believed me when I said they were no threat, but I didn’t want to have the theory tested so soon. I just got back on Josephine’s good side, and if Candy fucked this up for me, so help me God, I would be throwing her out on her sorry ass by her pink hair.

My heart doubled in size for the second time today when I watched my girl shut Candy down, not only defending me, but the whole MC.God, I love this woman.

I nearly gave myself whiplash when I heard Josephine ask Candy to prove it by asking her how big my dick was. My girl wasn’t pullinganypunches tonight. She was calling Candy out on her shit and doing it in front of the other bunnies.

Damn, this woman was meant for me.

But the sucker punch was when Josephine said my dick was colored with all the shades of her lipstick. I nearly clapped my hands in applause. Fuck, my girl was claiming me right there, in brazen detail. Goddamn if I didn’t love her possessiveness. Made me feel like my feeling of ownership over her wasn’t totally out of line.

After Candy runs off sulking, I decide to make my presence known. I open the screen door and leer at my overprotective woman. I lick my lips, taking her in. When we get back to her place, I’m going to reward her devotion by shoving my head in between her thighs and staying there all night long.

“You heard all that, didn’t you?” She folds her arms over her small chest, as if daring me to question her.

Tickled pink, I break out into a smile from ear to ear. It wouldn’t matter what I thought. She did what she believed she needed to do and fuck me if it wasn’t hot as sin.

I kiss the crown of her head. “I’m done talking with the guys. Why don’t I grab my bag? I’ll be right out.”

Quickly, I throw a bag together, packing way more than a weekend’s worth of clothing. I fully intend on staying with her well after the weekend. I grab my toiletries from the bathroom and throw them in my bag too.

In the kitchen, I find my pixie still giggling with the two bunnies. I hold out my hand and she takes it, waving goodbye to the girls.

Outside, I nod goodnight to my crew as I walk Josephine back to her car. I open the back door, throw my bag in, and open my girl’s door and help her inside.

After I have her buckled in, I bend down and give her a chaste kiss. “Race you home, Pixie.”

Josephine gives me a mischievous smirk and starts her car. “Last one home has to pick up Hades’ poop,” she calls as she peels off.

Oh, it’s on.I love how competitive my woman is—makes for exciting foreplay.

Pumped, I race to my bike and gun it. There’s no way I can lose this bet. I’ve seen the size of her dog, and I’m guessing his turds are the size of my damn forearms. Josephine is relatively new here, I’m willing to bet she’s unaware of the back roads she could take to shorten her commute. I gamble on it and head that way to her place, praying I get there first.

I roll up as she’s pulling in behind me. “Oh, come on!” she gripes from inside her car.

“Sorry not sorry, baby.” I laugh and get off my bike.

She’s grumbling as she climbs out, but she’s laughing as well. I love how I can mess around with her and she gives it right back to me. Gauge was right. I needed a woman like her to challenge me.

I pull my bag from her car and heft it over my shoulder, and I follow her to the condo. Hades is howling as Josephine works to unlock the door.

“Hey, buddy. Mommy missed you, yes I did. Look who came back. Yeah, Maceo is going to stay with us for a while, okay? Good boy,” she says and grabs his leash hanging on the hook by the door, attaching it to him. “Let go take care of your business.”