Page 50 of Lips On My Heart

In the small yellow kitchen, Opal makes us Moscow Mules. It’s a giant leap up from the crap beer. She hands me my drink and raises hers to clink with mine. “Cheers.”

“Mmm. I’ve always liked these,” I say, and take another sip.

“Me too!” she says with a laugh.

I look at her curiously. She’s gorgeous, but young. I have a sudden urge to protect her. “Are you sure you’re old enough to serve me?”

Opal gives me a sheepish grin. “I realize I don’t look as old as I am, but I’m twenty-two. Legal enough to serve alcohol, and legal enough to be here.”

I raise an eyebrow. “You sure you want to be here?”

“The club took me in and protects me. I can’t imagine being anywhere else,” she admits.

My heart goes out to her. “Don’t settle. You owe it to yourself to reach for the stars.” She smiles brightly and I smile back at her.

“So how are things going with you and Atlas? I mean, you’re here, so I’m assuming things are better than when he and the guys were on mission. It was not fun around here by the end of that first week. I thought Punk was going to have a stroke. He was totally worried he messed things up between you with his big mouth. And Chase wasn’t much better—trying to do God knows what with his computers to help Atlas out. The whole club was on edge.”

I nod, remembering that night all too well. “Things are good between us. We needed to have an honest conversation with each other about what we expect going forward.”

Opal’s pretty face lights up. “I’m relieved to hear it. Honestly, all the members seemed happy to see you show up with Atlas tonight. No offense, but he’s kind of an asshole when he’s not having sex regularly.”

I burst out laughing because I can totally see it. The two of us are in stitches when the pink-haired girl and the dark-haired vixen walk into the kitchen.

“What’s so funny?” the pink-haired woman asks in a snide tone, twirling a lock of hair between her manicured fingers.

“Nothing,” Opal says quickly with a smile over the brim of her cup, looking at me. “Jo, this is Candy and Ebony. Red is the other girl here, but she’s, ya know, busy.”

Yeah, I know what ‘busy’ means.I look over at the other two girls.

“Hi.” It’s all I say because I can’t help but feel hostility rolling off of Candy. Ebony seems playful, she sings along to the music blaring outside. I look between all three. “So, your club names are in reference to your hair color?” I guess.

“Yes,” Opal says excitedly. “Well, sort of. Red was actually nicknamed Big Red, but she didn’t really like it. Anyone who refers to her as Big Red ends up getting the tip of their dick flicked, and not in a pleasant way either.”

I laugh again. Ebony walks over to me, looking in my cup. “What are you guys drinking?”

“Moscow Mules,” Opal chirps. “You want one?”

Ebony’s face lights up. “Hell yeah!”

“Have the rest of mine. I have to drive back home,” I say placing the cup in her hand.

“Sweet,” Ebony says, before throwing back the last half of my drink.

“Oh, you’re not staying?” Candy asks sweetly, hiding a sneer.

Obviously, this woman doesn’t like me or my presence here. Maceo told me I have nothing to worry about when it comes to the MC bunnies, but I get the sense Candy feels some sort of ownership over the men. Does her ownership extend to Maceo himself?

“Nope,” I say leaning against the counter to make it appear like I’m more relaxed than I really am. “Maceo and I are spending the weekend at my place to, ya know,catch upon lost time.” I watch her to see if I can gage her reaction. By the way Candy’s eyes narrow and her hands fist, I would say she definitely feels some sense of possession over Maceo.

“Oh, that sounds romantic,” Opal’s voice swoons. “I wish I could have a getaway spot with Gauge. I feel like we’re constantly being rushed to finish before one of the other guys comes into the room.”

Ebony rolls her eyes. “How many times do I need to tell you? If you would let the other guys watch, or be in the room while you fuck, you wouldn’t have to rush. Hell, you should try a threesome or foursome with his roommates, they’re fucking amazing.”

Opal wrinkles her nose. “I’d rather not. Gauge would never allow it. I’ll stick with my man.” She’s too innocent for all of this.

“Oh, please,” Candy patronizes. “You act like you’re his old lady. He doesn’t want a fucking commitment with you. The sooner you jump on one of the other guys, the sooner you’ll get over it.”

The kitchen falls silent. Opal’s face crumbles, and Ebony and I stare at Candy in shock.