Page 35 of Lips On My Heart

“What business does a biker gang do?” he questions, but quickly stops himself. “Wait, never mind. I’m pretty sure I’m better off not knowing.”

A sudden urge to defend Maceo and his MC crew has me almost telling Jacob he’s got the wrong idea, but I decide against it. Maybe this will keep Jacob on the straight and narrow while working around me.

“What do you think?” I chew on my thumb as I nervously wait.

Another pause. “I think I’m going to be spending a lot of time in Colorado the next few months.”

I let out a slow sigh. “Thank you, Jacob.”

“Anything for you, Keebler. Can’t wait to see you again. I’ve missed working with you. I miss you all the fucking time,” he says in a husky voice, making my skin crawl.Gah, gross!

“I’ll be in touch,” I say, before disconnecting. I take another deep breath and run my fingers through my hair. As far as eating crow goes that was pretty painful, but at least Jacob wasn’t a dick about it. He’s too eager to get back on my good side to be his typical douchebag self. I pray I can keep myself in check during this damn project.

Exhausted, I lean my head back on the couch. I’ve barely slept during the week, stressing over Maceo for apparently no reason at all.Asshole.

Talking to Jacob for the past hour certainly helped to sober me up. I’m able to stand without feeling like I’m going to tumble over.

I yawn. “Come on, Hades. Let’s take a walk and get your business done for the night.”

Hades hurries to me and I leash him up. As we walk, my phone rings, but I don’t recognize the number and ignore it—I’m not in a talkative mood at the moment, even if it is business related. If it’s important, the person will leave a message.

The same number calls again, and I ignore it. When they try a third time and I don’t answer, there’s a beep to notify me of a voicemail. I can’t check it since I’m busy inverting a poop bag over Hades’s epically huge turd.

A minute passes before my phone rings, a different number this time.That’s weird.Two unknown numbers in a row. Another beep from the voicemail. And then my phone is ringing again. It’s a different unknown number. This happens multiple times from six different numbers.

Fucking scammers.How do they get my number?

Once Hades and I are safely locked back inside the condo, I listen to my voicemails.

“Josephine, pick up the phone. Come on, baby. Let me hear your voice.”

“I talked with Punk. And I get it, Josephine. I know you’re mad, but please pick up your phone.”

“Josephine, I can’t make this better if you don’t talk to me. Answer the phone!”

“Pixie, I’m losing my cool here. Answer the goddamn phone.”


“Answer the fucking phone, Pixie! I’m not playing around anymore.”“Atlas, calm the fuck down. You’re not going to win her back if you freak her out.”“Shit. I’m sorry I’m yelling, but you’re making me lose my fucking head. And you better unblock me, damn it.”

Jesus.Maceo’s out of his damn mind if he thinks he can command me to do anything. I go through my phone and block all the numbers he used to call me. He must be using every single cell phone belonging to his team.

I look over at Hades, out cold on his bed, and I decide that’s a good idea, heading toward my own bed. My phone goes off again, but this time I recognize the number as Punk’s.

Irritated, I answer my cell. “What is it now?”

“Jo, please, I’m begging you. Unblock Atlas. Gauge called me all panicked after Atlas noticed you blocked him. He’s going fucking wild over there, and Gauge can barely keep a handle on him. The team is worried he’s going to compromise the mission.”

My stubbornness could be putting the team and the assignment at risk. Guilt riddles me for a moment, but not enough for me to roll over. Maceo had me fucking worried for damn near a week.

“Oh, so now he tries to answer my texts? Well, fuck him! Punk, I’m sorry he’s acting out, but now he gets a taste of the silent treatment I’ve had to deal with for five days.”

Punk groans and curses into the phone. “Okay, you don’t have to answer him or talk to him, just unblock his sorry ass. Ignore all the messages you want, but if he’s at least able to send them to you, it will take the edge off his crazy.”

I lie there for a moment, thinking about it. “Okay, Punk. I’ll unblock him. I don’t want to jeopardize the operation, but I’m not reaching out to him and I’m deleting everything coming through from him. Until he’s back, I will only work with you on this project. Do I make myself clear?”

“Thank fuck. That’s fine, Jo,” Punk breathes out with relief only to immediately suck it back in. “Wait, you can’t delete his shit. He’ll know.”