Page 27 of Lips On My Heart

Jesus. I sit back in my seat and stare, awestruck. I didn’t expect this response when I asked him to explain. And thank God he’s not involved with the wild shit I had assumed.

My heart swells when it sinks in how good of a man Maceo is. He doesn’t deserve to be judged by the crew he belongs to. He deserves to be judged by the moral of his character.

“Maceo, I’m humble enough to admit when I’m wrong. I owe you an apology. I stereotyped you right off the bat and I regret it. Thank you for pointing it out,” I confess before leaning in, all starry-eyed. “You’re like a modern day superhero.”

Maceo smiles and lowers his face to hide the blush glowing under his tanned skin. “Thanks, Pixie.”

“You’re a good man, Maceo,” I add.

Maceo’s eyes narrow. “I may do good deeds, but I’m far from good. I’ve done things in my life that are worthy of jail time.”

I don’t know if he’s trying to scare me, warn me, or whatever, but I’m not afraid of him or what’s he’s done in his past anymore. “I’m sure you only did those things because you felt it was justified. I don’t get a sadistic vibe from you.”

His deep brown eyes soften as he holds my gaze. “I like the way you see me.”

My heart thumps a little harder. Since he’s answering questions, I ask another. “Why is your street name Atlas?”

“Gauge gave it to me after our first active-duty mission. Atlas is the titan who carries the weight of the world. I carry the weight of the teams I lead. It’s my load to bear.”

“I like it,” I admit with a smile.

Maceo gulps before looking me square in the face. “You want honesty?”

“Well, it is the best policy, right?”

Maceo sits back and looks down at his hands folded in front of him. “I don’t date. What we’re doing right now is completely foreign to me. I’ve never sat down across from a girl and wanted to get to know her.”

“How are you picking up women if you aren’t getting to know them? What? Do you just nod and smile at them, and they flock to you?”

Maceo glances at me, giving me an odd look. Immediately, I’m reminded there was little dialogue between the two of us before we were pawing at each other. “Never mind.”

He nods. “Exactly. But if it makes you feel better, I had to put more effort into winning you over. You’re not the typical woman I pick up. The women I’ve been involved with are in the same boat as me. They want to fuck and move on. You’re all about commitment.”

“Yes, but I’m not interested in getting into another relationship and getting my heart ripped to shreds. I want to be certain the relationship in going to last. Nor am I looking for a sex buddy. I know myself enough to know I could never have a ‘no strings attached’ hook up.”

Maceo looks down at his lap. He’s uncomfortable with the direction this conversation is heading. “I’m not looking for a commitment either, or at least I wasn’t.”

He runs his hands over his face. “Look, my life is dangerous, not as a biker, but as a mercenary. I work long hours, constantly traveling, and I have a target on my back. I’m not safe, and anyone personally involved with me wouldn’t be safe either.”

Hmm. Interesting.“So, your reasoning for not having a romantic relationship is the same as mine.”

He frowns. “I don’t follow.”

“You’re afraid of getting your heart broken, whether it’s by your job getting in the way, hurt feelings—yours or hers—or by putting her in danger. Commitment is not your issue, but risking your heart is.” I shrug. “I get it. Heartbreak sucks.”

Maceo glares at me. “I’m not afraid of anything.”

I fold my arms and lean forward. “Bullshit. Everyone is afraid of something. We just happen to be afraid of the same damn thing. Neither of us wants to give away our heart and risk losing the other person.”

Maceo softens. “You really give it to someone straight, don’t ya?”

“If you wanted candy-coating, you came to the wrong girl.”

“I like that about you,” he says, biting his lower lip. A big gust of air escapes him, and he looks into my eyes. “And I like how you use my real name. I like how you don’t take my shit and how you give it right back. I like how you swear like a sailor and drink like one, too. I like how you take care of yourself both physically and emotionally. I like how you’re not afraid to stand up for yourself. And more than everything else, I like the way I feel when I’m with you. How’s that for honesty?”

“Whoa,” I whisper.Did my panties just melt off?“Pretty awesome, actually.”

Maceo pulls his wallet out and throws a wad of cash on the table. “How about we get out of here?” he says with a wink, rising out of his seat and offering me his hand. I take it without hesitation.