Page 113 of Lips On My Heart

Maceo nods, not a jealous bone in sight. “We definitely will, Pixie, but not today. Let him rest for a couple days, and then I’ll bring you back to visit. I know you’re concerned about him. I am too. But right now, you’re my number one priority. I want to get you home to start your own recovery.”

I nod and my voice cracks. “I’m holding you to it.”

Maceo’s dark eyes crinkle in the corners when he smiles. “I expect nothing less from you,mi amor.”

After handing over my fake wedding dress as evidence, I put on the sweats Punk raced home to bring back for me. As we walk out of the exam room, the hallway is lined with all the Mercy Ravens MC men, eagerly waiting.

Happy tears spill down my cheeks and I make my way down the line, gently hugging and thanking each one of them. Out of the corner of my eye, I see them look to Maceo and he gives them a thumbs-up. They all visibly relax, knowing Jacob didn’t manage to rape me.

When I get to the end of the line where Gauge, Chase, and Punk wait, I run gingerly to them and they cocoon me in their massive arms. I feel so loved. Punk cries like a fool, holding me close and kissing the top of my head. I take a quick peek at Maceo, praying he won’t haul off on Punk for showing me affection.

Maceo only smiles at me and his brother. “The two of you are close. I know Punk loves you like a sister. He’s as much your brother now as he is mine. They all are.”

My heart melts hearing Maceo say that. I do love all his brothers. I’m happy Maceo is fine with me being close with them, without fearing he’s going to punch one of them out.

Detective Quire questions both Maceo and I rather quickly, and then he releases us. He knows enough of what happened to close the case regarding Jacob. He says he will reach out if he needs more information about Jesse, the driver. Honestly, I think he could see how much pain I’m in, and wanted to wrap things up for my sake.

Back at the rental, Maceo helps me into the shower. He climbs in after me to help clean me up, removing the rest of Jacob from my skin. He holds me after ‘till the water runs cold.

Opal and Ebony push their way into the bathroom afterward, and they help fix my torn nails and apply ointments to my cuts and scrapes. Thankfully, they pay no mind to Maceo’s toweled naked body while he watches them fuss over me. Red and Candy run in with a pharmacy bag containing my filled scripts, gauze, icepacks, and a heating pad.

Maceo is pushed out of the bathroom, pissing him off. “I don’t want to leave her.”

“You’re in the way!” Candy hisses, before slamming the door in his face.

My face crumbles. I want Maceo with me right now. I start to cry and fall to my knees, clutching at my broken ribs. Red drops and wraps her slender arms around me.

Opal flies to the door and swings it open. “Flay, we need you.”

My eyes flicker to the hallway and connect with Maceo’s for a moment, before Flay comes running into view, blocking him out. The worry I catch in Maceo’s dark eyes brings on fresh tears.

It sounds like there’s a scuffle in the hallway, and I wipe away my tears to see Maceo pushing his way back into the bathroom. “What’s wrong with her? For fuck’s sake, let me in, dammit!”

Flay blocks him from entering. “It’s her ribs. I’m going to wrap her and make her more comfortable. I need room to work.”

Maceo snarls at Flay. “She’s not fucking dressed.” Well, I guess Maceo’s jealousy is still there. There’s only so much he’s willing to tolerate.

Flay shoots Maceo an annoyed look. “I’m a fucking medical professional. The last thing I’m going to do is check out your woman while I’mtreatingher.”

“Come on, Atlas,” Gauge says, pulling him out of the bathroom and closing the door.

I hear Maceo’s muffled voice on the other side. “He’s seen enough of her naked body for one day. She’s been through hell. I just want to hold her and make her feel safe.”

And then I hear Maceo breaking down in sobs—hard, gut-wrenching sobs.

My hands release my ribs and fly over my mouth, covering my own cries. The man I love is falling apart seeing me in pain. I can’t let him hear me cry tonight, because I can’t bear to hear or see him in emotional turmoil.

“And you will, brother. Flay’s only helping her. She’s in good hands. Let’s get you dressed and wait out in the living room for her, okay?” Gauge says calmly, and the hallway goes quiet.

Flay squats down and helps me to my feet. “He’s going to be okay, Jo. Just focus on you right now. I’m going to wrap your torso to help support your broken ribs. Is it okay if I remove your towel?”

I appreciate Flay asking permission to disrobe me after what I’ve been through, and I nod mutely. Red helps me out of my towel, and I stand in front of all the bunnies and Flay, completely naked. Under normal circumstances, I would be embarrassed to be nude in front of a crowd, but I’m too caught up in my head to care.

The bunnies take stock of my battered body before looking away with tears in their eyes. I know they feel bad for me, but this hits too close to home for them—judging by their faces, I’m willing to bet they’ve had similar experiences. Now I know why they’re in here supporting me.

Opal assists Flay as he gently wraps my torso. True to his word, he didn’t once try to check out my naked body. There’s a knock at the bathroom door. Opal throws the towel around me, and I’m grateful. I don’t want Maceo going wild if someone else sees me naked. Ebony answers the door, Triple and Stage are standing there with a Target bag.

“We thought Jo would want some soft, non-restrictive clothes while she heals,” Stage says.