Page 98 of Lips On My Heart

“What picture?” I ask.

“Atlas took pictures on the two of you after he proposed. I cropped the picture of you two holding up your fists showing your rings, and posted it on our website saying ‘the prez is getting hitched,’” Chase explains. “I thought it would be a good marketing tool and help our image.”

“Well, if he’s been stalking your company site the way he was stalking my social media, he would’ve definitely seen it and lost his shit,” I declare.

“Exactly. Every time something big happens with you, he attacks. He started slowly with inappropriate texts and dick pics when you refused to have contact with him. He upgraded to busting into your condo after seeing you. He probably got angry because all his digital images of you in his cloud, phone, and both your guys’ social media accounts were deleted bymoi,” Chase adds.

My hand flies to my forehead and I jump off Maceo’s lap. “My photo box in the closet! He was trying to find pictures of me because he didn’t have them anymore.”

“More than likely why he was trying to break into your computer as well,” Maceo grits through his teeth. “And he probably took your sexy panties because he didn’t want me to benefit from them.”

Gauge busts a gut. “Is that why you got a Victoria’s Secret credit card? To buy Jo new underwear?”

Maceo blushes hard, snapping at his best friend. “Dude! That was supposed to stay between the two of us!” Maceo’s numerous surprise lingerie gifts start to make sense to me now.

Punk looks impressed. “That’s actually a brilliant idea. That way you get your woman to wear what you want.”

Maceo rubs the back of his neck, self-conscious. “I thought so. They’ve got a great reward program.”

Maceo’s brothers laugh at his expense.

“Fuck all of you. Don’t come crawling to me to reap the benefits of my free shipping and monthly perks.” It’s pretty adorable seeing my fiancé embarrassed.

“Oh, come on, Atlas! You promised I could use it to splurge on Opal,” Gauge protests. He slaps a hand over his mouth quickly, surprised.

Say what?Did Gauge let something slip about him and Opal?

Chase and Punk look just as shocked as me—not shocked that there’s something more serious between Gauge and Opal, but that he let his guard down around the rest of us. I can see that Gauge is more open about his relationship with the pretty girl when it’s just him and Maceo shooting the shit.

Maceo gives him a look. “I’m starting to think Opal could do better.” We all laugh again.

“Anyways,” Gauge says, returning the conversation back to me. “Jacob knew something was going on between you and Atlas, and it was his way of saying ‘fuck you.’ He was harassing you on social media since he was no longer in town after the confrontation you guys had with him at the café after the condo break in.”

“We put his next action into play when you and I announced our engagement; then the build site was vandalized,” Maceo points out.

“Getting back on point,” Chase speaks up. “This shit only happens when something big takes place with Jo which isn’t in loafer-dick’s favor.”

Maceo gives Chase a stern look. “No.”

“I’m telling you, Atlas, this will work,” Chase fires back.

“And I’m telling you as club president, no! I will not be using my bride to bait the fucker.”

Chase throws his hands up in frustration. “It’s not like she’ll be in any fucking danger. Your woman has more security than the British royal family. Let’s put out something to grab Jacob’s attention and be ready and waiting for him. If he sneaks onto our property again, we can get him for trespassing. If he damages any of our stuff, we can get him on vandalizing. If he gets into the building, we can get him on breaking and entering.”

“And if he gets a hold of Jo then what? We get him on assault or rape or murder? The perp is escalating,” Gauge argues back, shaking his head in disgust.

“It won’t get to that,” Chase defends.

“Because we aren’t fucking doing it!” Maceo roars. “Gauge is right. The fucknob is not going to be satisfied breaking in or damaging property. He’s been there and done that. He’s only going to step up his game and go to the next level.”

I’m listening to all of this in stunned silence. I’m scared,realscared.

Gauge mentioning that Jacob’s behavior is escalating terrifies the shit out of me. Jacob wants me back and thus far, nothing he has done has worked. Now he has turned to scare tactics and threats, showing he’s extremely dangerous.

But as scared as I am, a bigger part of me doesn’t want to be. A bigger part of me wants to fight back and hold Jacob accountable for his actions.

Cops can’t do anything to help right now. I could get a restraining order, but a restraining order doesn’t do shit if the other party ignores it and takes what they want from you anyways. Too many women have fallen victim to a false sense of security when it comes to a restraining order.