Page 69 of Lips On My Heart

Two weeks go by in a blur of maddening bliss and controlled chaos.

Maceo didn’t just stay the weekend with me. He still hasn’t left, which I kind of suspected. He’s been slowly moving things over here, into my dresser and closet. He thinks he’s being sly, bringing his items over when I’m at work, but I notice everything, regardless if it’s the slightest move. What I’m not doing is complaining about it, because I’m ecstatic he’s meshing our lives together. I’ll never call him out for moving in without asking me.

In some ways, we’re like an old couple where we have a routine and hardly deviate from it—we get up early, usually with his head between my legs, run with Hades, fuck, shower, and get ready for the day. Breakfast at the MC’s diner with the rest of the crew, he drops me off at work, goes and does his recon job, and we have lunch together if our schedules allow, maybe squeeze a quickie in. We go back to our jobs and work late, he picks me up and takes me to dinner, or I cook for him, we take a long walk with Hades, make love, shower, and maybe make love again before falling asleep in each other’s arms. It’s comfortable and lovely.

In other ways, we’re like two naughty teenagers who are fucking like rabbits—on the couch,a loton the couch, the kitchen island, my car, the floor, on the washer, in the shower, on the trail, over his bike, the build site, once in the public library—literally everywhere. If it’s a clean surface, we’ll probably fuck on it if we haven’t already.

Maceo keeps pushing the boundaries of what we do together to see how far I’m willing to go. I worried my lack of experience would turn him off, but it seems to have the opposite effect. He wants to be the one to introduce me to everything sexual, to be the teacher and I his pupil.

In the short period of time I’ve been with Maceo, I’ve had more orgasms than I had in eight years with Jacob. We fuck multiple times a day with multiple orgasms each time. Every single day.

One day we had sex five times. FIVE TIMES! And I came more than once each time. I could barely walk around the build site the next day, and I’m sure all of my crew members knew why, but I didn’t care. To hell with what others may think. I’m deeply in love with Maceo, and nothing could make me stop feeling this feverish for him.

One thing I was not expecting in our relationship was to be spoiled by Maceo. It was definitely a pleasant surprise. Not only did he shower me with love, affection, and backrubs, but gifts—particularly lingerie.

Boxes and boxes were delivered each day from Victoria’s Secret. I think Maceo was trying to replace my stolen panties. I told him he was sweet for thinking of me, but he didn’t need to. He was pretty insistent on pampering me—honestly, I got the impression he just liked me modeling skimpy, sexy underwear for him—so I let it be.

There’s a certain level of security you need to have in order to be completely honest, and I’m thrilled we have it together. I can tell him how I feel when I’m feeling it, without worrying about repercussions, and vice versa. We can get mad and it’s okay because we know the other is going to hear us out. He’s still a little hesitant to talk about his parents’ murder, but I can’t blame him. I’m not pushing for it either. He will tell me when he’s ready.

But as great as our sex life and relationship are going, there have been some unsettling occurrences. Going back to the construction site after someone broke into my condo has posed some challenges. As soon as the police questioned Jared and my other crew members, I was bombarded with questions.

Are you okay? When did this happen? Is it a past client? Is it your ex? Do you feel safe where you are? Why are there a shit ton more bikers here watching us? Does this have anything to do with Atlas? You don’t think it was one of us, do you?

All of them seemed considerate, at least from what I could gather, and all of them wanted to know what they could do to help, but I was very leery of accepting help from any of them, aside from Jared. He didn’t fall into the suspect pool for me. He’s always been respectful and professional, never showing any interest in me other than being friends and business partners. He seemed more upset than the rest that this happened to me. His supportive hugs never felt weird, only brotherly.

Still I walk around the build site with Punk trailing me everywhere, and for once I’m grateful for the shadow. Punk takes protection detail very seriously. A couple times I had to tell him to ease up. He was starting to scare delivery drivers away. Something about a ripped six foot two walking tattoo ad scares the shit out of people, when he approaches them and questions their intentions.

Outside of work, I received a few anonymous phone calls. The kind where you answer and no one says anything on the other end, you know the creepy-as-fuck kind. Chase was all over them, but he said they were never on the phone long enough for him to trace. Scared the shit out of me to the point I started to screen all my calls again, including during business hours, which is a bitch when it turns out to be work related.

Lorenzo must have been talked to by the police, because the flower arrangements grew in size and frequency. His cards promised protection for the price of a date.

Maceo went through the roof when I showed him. I worried when he stormed out of the condo, but he came back later with a huge triumphant smile. Why he was smiling I’m not entirely sure, but if it had anything to do with Lorenzo’s busted nose, I have a good guess. Maceo may have hoped Lorenzo would stop pursuing me, but the flowers kept coming, only now without a note, almost as if to say he was still there—without being in my face about it.

Unfortunately, the cult priest reached out to me too, begging me to join, so the alien spirits could protect me from the dangers of my world—or some weird shit like that. He or one of the few members called me often enough, and I ended up having to block them.

The whole intruder issue was bringing out everyone’s crazy.

Maceo calmed down some after Chase found out Jacob returned to San Diego the Monday after our last confrontation. However, the serenity was short lived. Jacob was blocked on my phone, but he was blowing up all my social media saying the meanest shit you could imagine.

Are you too good to talk to me now, or is Atlas holding you back? You sunk to a whole new level dating the president of a biker gang, haven’t you? Bet he passed you around to his entire crew, you little whore. I’m sorry I tried to help you. I would have treated you like a fucking queen had you stayed with me. Why can’t you see you’re supposed to be with me?

The rage which built up inside of me from his words was near intolerable, but somehow, I did tolerate it.

Chase blocked him on all my social media accounts, but the damage was done, and it wasn’t long before other people were commenting as well. I begged Chase not to show Maceo because I knew his reaction would not be good. Chase understood, but he said he was ordered to give all information on Jacob to his president.

After Maceo found out about Jacob’s cyber bullying, Chase wished he had buried it. Maceo was fucking irate—like ‘Hulk smash’ irate. It took both Reaper and Brass—two of the club’s biggest guys —to hold him back from jumping on his bike and heading to San Diego to snap Jacob’s neck.

According to Gauge, Maceo’s the most level-headed person he knows. But when it comes to me, all his rationality flies out the damn window. But Maceo wasn’t the only one who wanted to vindicate me. Punk, Ziggy, and Eagle were ready to ride to California with Maceo to put Jacob in his place too.

Who would have thought a tough MC club would have these many softies willing to defend me?

I made Chase delete all my social media accounts. I didn’t want to, because it seemed like Jacob won, but it was necessary. Maceo assured me anyone who truly knew me would never doubt me for a second.

A nice distraction was sitting down with Lloyd and going over the plans for his new barbershop. He absolutely loved it and signed on the dotted line, exactly like Maceo. As soon as I’m done on the MC build, Lloyd’s new barbershop is the next project for me and my crew. Jared is super pumped. He was practically doing back flips. It isn’t too often that we have back to back jobs, especially as big as these.

On days when tension is high and my emotions are out of whack, I bring Hades with me everywhere. He’s like an oversized therapy pet for me. He behaves well at the project site, and eventually I trust him enough to take him off his muzzle and leash. He still won’t let any of the men come near me, but at least he isn’t trying to attack them. Punk is able to come up to him now and pet him on his big head. As much as it’s comforting for me to have my dog with me, Hades is getting as much out of it if not more.

Opal and I are growing closer. She’s sweet and beautiful, but Gauge is reluctant to claim her as his own for reasons unknown. She gives everything and gets nothing in return aside from sleeping in his bed. It breaks my heart. She deserves more, and I told her as much.