Page 49 of Lips On My Heart

Maceo throws his head back and laughs. “A bunny is what we call the girls at the MC. They aren’t members, they only comfort the guys.”

I pull away with revulsion. “Seriously, Maceo? You better not have anything to do with those women or, God help me, you’ll be stuck in your twin bed without me.”

Maceo’s body quakes with laughter. “God, I love how you take no shit.”

I respond by punching him in the arm making him full-on belly laugh. “Okay, okay, I’m sorry. You have nothing to worry about with the MC bunnies. I’ve never been involved with any of them in any sexual way whatsoever. Those women can be pretty clingy, and I was a content bachelor till you ran into my life. They think because one of the guys had a night with them, suddenly he belongs to her and she can still hop around from member to member. It’s fucked up. So, thanks, but no thanks. I got the best woman right here, chewing out my ass for shit I haven’t even done.”

I huff, eager to believe him, but refusing to give him an easy win.

Maceo wraps his arm around me and pulls me into his lap, rubbing his angular nose against mine. “I love seeing you get all jealous and territorial. My little kitten with her claws out. It’s hot as fuck.”

I warm a little, but I’m still not satisfied. There are eager-to-please women living in the house with him. “I’m not happy about this, Maceo. How would you feel if I were living with several horny men?”

Maceo scowls then sighs. “I get it, but Pixie, you have nothing to worry about. I’m not going anywhere. And the bunnies aren’t bad people—okay most of them aren’t bad people.”

I roll my eyes, but he continues.

“Like Opal, she’s probably the sweetest girl out of the bunnies. She takes care of the guys when they’re sick, makes birthday cakes for us, washes laundry for the guys as she has time—she’s a really nice person. She’s sweet on Gauge and is exclusive with him, although he doesn’t return the favor. Not everyone in life gets a fair shot. Opal ran away from home as a teenager because her mom’s boyfriend kept sneaking into her room at night.

“We found her stripping in a club and could tell she was miserable. We asked if she wanted to come back to the club ‘till she got on her feet. No one asked her to have sex for room and board and no one was allowed to touch her until she consented. As far as I know she’s only been with Gauge,” he says.

I stop and mull it over. It isn’t fair of me to judge any of these women until I meet them. And I’m confident Maceo wouldn’t lie to me. If they’re nice people, who am I to look down my nose at them, or on how many people they sleep with?

“Come on. Follow me home.” He helps me to my feet, and off we go.

* * *

The Mercy Ravens MC rental is small.Understatement!It is micro, making my tiny condo look like The Buckingham Palace. How the hell a dozen men and,ahem, a handful of bunnies live in this place has me scratching my head.

As we pull up to the ranch, I can see the detached two-car garage, open and overflowing with Maceo’s crew. A fire pit has been set up in the driveway and is blazing away.

Men are laughing loudly, and several meagerly clothed women are hanging all over them. I’m barely out of the car before a beer is placed in my hand and I’m being pulled into the middle of a group of men. I have only seen them a handful of times dropping by the build site. Maceo is off to the side talking with two other men, but his eyes are focused on me as he listens and nods to his crew members.

“Ravens!” Maceo shouts at his brothers as he approaches me. “Behave yourselves around my pixie or I’ll have your balls.”

Most of the men nod or say “yes, sir,” but not Punk. He comes up and throws his long-tatted arm around my shoulder haphazardly, with a cocky grin planted on his young but handsome face. “Ha! I knew it! I knew you always wanted my balls,” he jokes.

Maceo shakes with laugher before slapping Punk’s face playfully. “Sorry, but I can’t take them if you don’t have them,” he jokes back, making everyone laugh, including Punk. “Watch my woman for me while I debrief with Chase and Gauge about the mission.”

Punk nods, and Maceo gives me a wink before walking into the garage with Chase and Gauge.

Encircled by the MC, I decide to take in my surroundings while nursing my beer. Punk stays right by my side, similar to how he is on the build site, as the other members come over to our group to say hello. I suspect they’re only being friendly to check out their president’s woman.

Other than feeling multiple sets of eyes running up and down my body, making me lean into Punk for security, they all seem decent. Two of the guys are cracking me up as they debate over the official version of the poemThere Once Was a Man from Nantucket. My vote is for the inappropriate version.

Everything seems fine until a pack of women saunters into the circle. A dark-haired vixen with russet skin loops her arm through two of the guys in the group. A tall redhead walks up to one of the burlier looking dudes, and he immediately puts his arm around her while she whispers in his ear. The redhead walks by, winking at me as she pulls along the MC member by his cut and into the house.

I try to act as nonchalant as I can, but I’m incredibly uneasy. It escalates when I see a pink-haired statuesque woman with boobs that defy gravity staring me down with cold brown eyes. I look away from her, and a blonde bombshell with rainbow streaks in her hair comes right up to me.

“Hi, you must be Jo. I’m Opal,” she says sweetly, and holds out her hand to me.

Oh, she’s cute!I smile at her and shake her hand. “Nice to meet you, Opal. Maceo told me you’re the nurse around here.”

Opal smiles brightly. “Well, someone has to take care of them. You know, man-flu is no joke,” she giggles.

“It’s a legit cold, Opal!” one of the members argues, which makes us both laugh.

Opal looks at the beer in my hand. “Ugh, gross!” She pulls the bottle from me and pushes it onto Punk. “Let’s get you a real drink.” She grabs my hand and pulls me toward the house.