Essie, Fydella, and Fingol kept up a steady conversation. Farrendel participated occasionally, but it was relaxing to just listen to them.
Partway through, Essie reached over to his plate, her fork hovering just over a section of his food. She glanced at him, as if asking his permission.
She wanted her taste. Farrendel sliced off a corner and nudged it to the edge of his plate.
Her smile flashed across her face before she speared the bite he had set aside for her. When she ate the bite, she nodded. “That is good too.”
When they finished their meal and the server collected their plates, Essie outlined her ideas. “In Escarland, a princess’s duty often involves working with charities, especially when it comes to fundraising. We use our position of power and prestige to draw attention to causes. I’m not saying that I’m coming in here as a stranger trying to rescue any of you. I would like to bring some of my Escarlish ideas to the table, as it were. If there is anything I can do to help with organization or planning, I would like to do so. All I want to do is offer my help. You are the ones who know best what you need and what should be done to truly help those elves wounded in the war, especially those permanently injured.”
Fingol nodded, then glanced at Farrendel, meeting his gaze for a moment before turning back to Essie. “It is a good idea to start a more formal network so that we can help each other. We already do it, but it is an unofficial thing. But the two of you are in a unique position to do that. Our Laesornysh is well beloved among those who have fought at his side. We have banded together out of our loyalty to him.”
Farrendel shifted, his gaze dropping to his hands. He did not deserve their loyalty. Yes, he fought and fought hard to protect Tarenhiel and its warriors. But all he had truly done was get himself captured and have to be rescued, leading to many deaths, including the death of his dacha.
Fydella nodded. “Illyna has been doing much of the organization that we already have in place.”
“I figured as much.” Essie nodded. “Of course we’ll want to bring her on board and see if she’s willing to help with this.”
“I am sure she will be.” Fingol reached down and rubbed his bad leg, though Farrendel doubted he realized he was doing it. “She has mentioned something like this before, but we’ve had no one volunteer to spend the time to actually put it together.”
“Time is something I have plenty of right now.” Essie shrugged.
Farrendel winced. He would have to tell her soon that he and Weylind had a planned tour of duty at the border coming up. He would be gone for three weeks or more.
At least she would have this project to work on. And she now knew Illyna, Fingol, and Fydella better than she had when he had left last time.
Still, he was not ready to leave her again. He would much rather stay here and continue teaching her elvish and watching the excitement in her eyes as she came up with ideas and plans.
But he would not shirk his duty. He had to protect his kingdom. All he could hope was that this tour was quiet and free from any raids.
Farrendel set his pack on the ground by the door before he faced Essie. Outside the windows, darkness had fully fallen. He and Weylind would travel through the night to reach the border by morning.
They planned to be gone for three weeks, joining the patrols and fending off any troll raids. Assuming the trolls did not launch any major offensives. If that happened, they would stay at the border until the trolls were turned back.
Now all that was left to do was say goodbye to Essie. He had already said goodbye to his family at supper. Those goodbyes were almost routine at this point. Yes, they were all aware that he or Weylind might never return. Yet they had said these goodbyes many times over.
Saying this kind of goodbye with Essie was new. Last time had been an unplanned rush to the border to turn back a raid. This time, the leave-taking was planned. Last time, they had only been married a few days. Now, he had gotten to know her better. Something was happening between them. Something he could not name or fully understand. But it made this goodbye feel…important.
Essie faced him, a forced smile on her face. “I guess this is farewell until you return.”
He nodded. He should say something. Anything. He could not just turn and walk away like he had last time. She deserved so much better than that. But he could not seem to get the words put together inside his head, much less force them out of his mouth.
“I’ll be all right. I’ll be so busy working with Illyna, Fydella, and Fingol on our plans and learning elvish that I won’t even notice you’re gone.” She gave a wavering smile, to show that it was more a joke to make him feel better.
He gave another nod, still struggling to come up with words. It did make him feel better, knowing that she would not be left as alone as she had been last time. Especially since he would be gone far longer.
Essie shifted, her gaze searching his face. “Would you write to me? Or at least send a message or two along your elven root system? Just to let me know you’re all right? I can write you back, if letters will reach you.”
“I would like that.” Something inside his chest eased at the thought of receiving her words while at the border. It would not be as nice as being with her but hearing her voice in the words would be a light he had never had before while fighting at the border. “I will write.”
“Thanks.” Essie remained where she was, as if even she did not know what to do or say.
Farrendel opened his bag and pulled his seal out of a side pocket. He held it out to her. “Here. Use my seal. Your letters to your family or to me should not be tampered with under your seal but…”
“But I am a foreign princess. Your people are still understandably suspicious.” Essie took the seal from him, and her fingers brushed against his, sending his heart rate beating harder at her soft touch.
He cleared his throat and nodded. He had been personally handing her letters to the messengers to make sure they were delivered without being read. But for the next three weeks, he would not be here. This was the best protection he could give her.