Page 121 of Pretense

Months from now, their lives would change again when their child was born. It would be a good change, but it was still a change, nonetheless. Until then, he wanted to savor each moment, each day.

He eased Essie back to her feet, though he kept one arm around her. He pulled the small jewelry box from his pocket, holding it in his hand for a moment where she could not see it.

Would she like it? Captain Merrick and Iyrinder had assured him it was a good design, but what did they know? Iyrinder and Miss Merrick were not even courting yet. What if Essie was disappointed?

“Farrendel?” Essie ran her fingers through his hair, causing the moonlight to shine along the silver-blond strands. “Is something wrong?”

He shook his head, then held out the jewelry box. “I got this. For you. For our anniversary. It is small, but we said we were going with small gifts and…” He trailed off, realizing that he was rambling.

Essie laughed and took the jewelry box from him. “Considering I haven’t even had a chance to get a gift for you, due to the whole getting shot thing, then hunted by an assassin, then no energy thanks to being pregnant, you’re doing better than me. You have nothing to worry about. I know I’ll love it.”

“You have not even opened it yet.” Farrendel could not blame his churning stomach on her nausea this time.

Essie eased the box open, and her eyes widened, lit with moonlight. “It’s beautiful.”

He released a breath. He had thought so, but he had still worried she would not like the necklace and design he had picked out.

Essie eased the necklace from the box, and, after handing the box back to him, she put it on. The heart-shaped pendant was crafted out of silver and studded with small, tasteful diamonds. Where the two loops of the heart met, the silver swirled around an emerald and a blue diamond so that the two stones were tucked inside the heart. The pendant hung on a delicate silver chain. Its understated, flowing lines reminded him of an elven style, but the gemstones were Escarlish.

Essie touched the pendant before she smiled and wrapped her arms around him. “It’s perfect. I love it. But I love you more.”

He pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek, murmuring, “I love you, my shynafir.”

Then he kissed her as he had wanted to do all night but could not with his family looking on.

He had no regrets for their past and every hope for their future. If he shared it with her, he would treasure every moment.

Chapter Thirty-Nine

Jalissa picked at her dessert, trying to pretend she was not restless. Around her, her entire family had gathered in Weylind and Rheva’s main room, now that they had all returned from Escarland a few days ago. Even Rharreth and Melantha remained here, finishing up the last of their business before they returned to Kostaria.

Edmund had been gone for three weeks. She told herself that he was not yet late. But it was hard to sit there, knowing each day, each second, could be the one when he finally walked in the door.

Would he go to Escarland first to report to his brother? Or would he come straight here, knowing that she was waiting for him?


She started, blinking, before turning to Melantha. By the look on her sister’s face, it had not been the first time she had said Jalissa’s name.

“Yes?” Jalissa set aside her plate. She was not going to finish. Her appetite had not been what it should have been ever since Edmund had left.

Ugh. She truly was lovesick. She could not eat. Could not sleep. Could not think about anything or anyone besides him.

Melantha studied her with a sister’s dark, knowing eyes. “I was wondering if we could talk?” She glanced around the room. “Maybe somewhere quieter?”

Jalissa had promised herself and Leyleira that she would talk with Melantha, but she had been putting it off. Not because she was still angry. No, she simply did not know what to say.

Her stomach churned, but she nodded and stood. Rheva glanced their way as she and Melantha headed for the door, as did Machasheni, who gave Jalissa a smile and nod. Other than that, everyone else seemed too caught up in their conversations to notice.

As Jalissa stepped onto the porch, the crisp night air curled around her, sending a shiver down her back. She hugged her arms to her middle as she strode around the porch until she and Melantha stood next to a wall without any windows or doors looking into the room.

When she turned to face her sister, Melantha halted in front of her. In the darkness, her fur clothing and spiky hair looked especially troll-like. She held Jalissa’s gaze. “I am sorry. I am sorry for betraying Farrendel and for tearing our family apart. I was wrong to harbor such bitterness for so long. I—”

“I forgive you.” The words came more easily than Jalissa had expected they would. These past few turbulent weeks with Edmund had taught her a thing or two about the pain of bitterness and the balm of forgiveness.

“You do?” Melantha paused. The night made it hard to read her expression, but some of the burdened hunch left her shoulders.

“Yes.” Jalissa breathed easier as some of her own burden left her heart. “Yes, I forgive you. And I want to be sisters again. You have truly changed. It is not just an act. Honestly, you have been much more of a sister to everyone than I have in the past few months.”