Page 42 of Troll Queen

“It is good to meet you and a pleasure to serve as the captain of your guards.”

Captain Merrick bowed, his expression neutral.

Farrendel eyed him, not sure how to read that blank expression. Did this Captain Merrick have any prejudices against elves? Surely Julien and Averett would not have assigned him to guard him and Essie if that were the case. And Farrendel would have noted this Captain Merrick before, if he had seen him sneering at Farrendel behind Averett’s back.

But, as the number of traitors in both Escarland and Farrendel’s own family had proved, true motives could be hidden.

“Averett, Weylind, and I discussed security for you and Essie extensively on the train ride back to Estyra.” Julien turned back to Farrendel, gesturing at Iyrinder and Captain Merrick. “As relations between Tarenhiel and Escarland deepen, the personal guards for both Averett and Weylind will need to work together to guard their kings. Captain Merrick will be your permanent guard, but the other elves and humans on your guard will rotate from the personal guards for Weylind and Averett. Captain Merrick will be in charge of training them in working together, with input from you, of course.”

That sounded like a good idea, in theory. Farrendel crossed his arms, still studying Captain Merrick. He was not sure he liked the sound of having to learn to trust new guards on a rotating basis.

Still, better to test such a plan on Farrendel where any problems a human guard might have with elves or an elf might have with humans would hopefully be rooted out before they were called upon to guard a visiting king.

“All of the guards will be thoroughly scrutinized, of course.” Captain Merrick bobbed his head in something almost like another bow.

“We’ll be careful, don’t worry.” Julien slapped Farrendel on the back. “Now, I was thinking we’d start with a jog around the parklands. Let’s stretch, then you can set the pace.”

After the four of them took the time to stretch, Farrendel forced himself to start into a jog. His muscles felt tight and weak.

Julien fell into step beside him, directing him down a path into the forest as they exited the garden. Iyrinder and Captain Merrick jogged side by side behind them, wearing identical blank expressions.

A month ago, Farrendel could have jogged around the walled parkland of the Winstead Palace grounds without breathing hard. Now, he had to stop and walk several times, coming close to dry heaving while his side cramped.

After they finished a circuit of the forest, Julien had him do chin-ups using a low hanging branch. Then a variety of other exercises until Farrendel’s arms and legs shook, and sweat trickled down his face and back.

Yet, even as he struggled to catch his breath, he felt stronger than he had in weeks.

After Essie woke, showered, and dressed, she made her way down to the kitchen. There, she found a young woman only a few years older than herself stirring eggs and bacon in two different pans. The young woman glanced over her shoulder, then spun and bobbed a curtsy, her light brown hair swinging in its braid. “Good morning, Your Highness.”

“You must be the new housekeeper and cook.” Essie took a seat at the kitchen’s work table.

“Yes, I am Miss Merrick.” The young woman went back to deftly turning the bacon in the pan. “I will understand if you wish to conduct your own interview, since you were not the one who hired me.”

The woman’s back was stiff, and it made Essie wonder what the woman was hiding. She said the right words, but her posture said that she desperately cared about keeping the job.

Essie studied Miss Merrick. Her instincts weren’t screaming at her, but she didn’t want to trust the person who was handling their food too easily, not after what had happened to Farrendel last time. “Actually, there’s only one question I need to ask. How do you feel about elves?”

“I have nothing against elves. My brother was on King Averett’s guard detail during the recent war and fought alongside the elves. He has a great respect for them, and I look forward to the opportunity to see more of their kingdom and culture by serving you and Prince Farrendel.” Miss Merrick stayed stirring the eggs, not looking at Essie as she spoke. “Neither my brother nor I are married. We are both willing to move between Escarland and Tarenhiel as necessary to see to whatever needs you might have.”

Essie heard the catch to Miss Merrick’s voice. If Essie were to guess, Miss Merrick was alone, except for her brother. Her desperation for this job was fueled by a desire not to be left alone when he left to guard Farrendel in Tarenhiel for months at a time.

Though, Essie was not sure how to go about telling Miss Merrick that she hadn’t been planning on taking the servants hired for Buckmore Cottage with them to Tarenhiel. But, they might be able to make an exception, if Miss Merrick and Captain Merrick turned out to be trustworthy.

Essie gave a practiced smile. “Willingness to travel would definitely be beneficial.”

After grabbing a plate from the cupboard, Miss Merrick dished out some eggs. “How do you prefer your bacon?”

“I like it slightly crispy, but Prince Farrendel prefers it less crispy. He likes to be able to cut it with a fork.” Essie took the plate after Miss Merrick added a couple of pieces of bacon. She dug into the eggs, then the bacon. Miss Merrick was a good cook, at least. And she seemed to desperately want the job. “Let’s start with our stay here at Buckmore Cottage and give both you and us a chance to make sure we are a good fit for each other.”

“Thank you so much, Your Highness! I really appreciate it, and I will not let you down in the performance of my duties.” Miss Merrick bobbed yet another curtsy. “If there is anything you would like me to do to help make Buckmore Cottage more comfortable, please let me know.”

“I know you are currently understaffed, as the only staff member, so cooking will be your main duty.” Essie would have to figure out how to bring up the topic of more servants to Farrendel. Perhaps she should see if there were any elves who would be interested in moving to Escarland. Farrendel might be more comfortable with them, and it would get the Escarlish people more used to interacting with elves.

Until then, Essie would probably have to work with Miss Merrick to see about getting one or two maids to help. The elves might be able to live simply in Tarenhiel, but unless Farrendel knew of a way to magically clean Buckmore Cottage, a place this size needed upkeep.

Essie outlined a few things she would like Miss Merrick to oversee and went over her and Farrendel’s normal routine. Both so that Miss Merrick could have the meals ready at the right times and so that she knew not to crowd Farrendel at the times when he needed to be alone, like his early morning breakfasts.

Essie rubbed at a scratch on the tabletop, not sure if she should mention one last thing or not. But, it wasn’t like this was something they could hide, with Miss Merrick sleeping on the main floor. “Prince Farrendel suffers nightmares, occasionally. If that happens, Prince Farrendel and I will probably go down to the kitchen to make hot chocolate. You don’t have to serve us. Please feel free to go back to sleep.”