Page 145 of Troll Queen

The door opened, and Essie breezed inside, accompanied by a gust of cold wind and a few flurries of snow. She shook off her cloak, then hung it up on the peg by the door, juggling what looked like a large bundle of paper.

“How is your planning coming along?” Farrendel set the heating device aside and hopped off the table.

“Rheva is putting together the invitations, and last I checked, the hot chocolate and mugs I ordered will arrive from Escarland in time. Rheva seems confident that at least some of the nobility will be willing to come, and, of course, Illyna, Fingol, and the others will be there.” Essie swept across the room and set the stack of papers on the table next to his heating device.

She wrapped her arms around Farrendel’s waist and pressed a quick kiss on his cheek. Her eyes sparkled, her movements easy and quick, as if the time spent planning a fundraiser with Illyna and Rheva had rejuvenated her.

It sounded like a lot of work and far too much people time to Farrendel. But, planning events like this was to Essie what his morning exercises were to him.

Farrendel held her close, even though she was still slightly snow-covered and cold from her time outdoors. The tip of her nose was red, and her fingers were cold as she buried them in the back of his shirt.

“It was a brilliant idea, setting up a boarding and sledding day as a fundraiser for wounded elf warriors. Not only will we hopefully gain more support among the nobility for those suffering long-term effects of the war, but we should raise enough money to pay for the Doctors Harwell to come here to help those who need counseling and hopefully start training any elves interested in learning their methods. And we’ll introduce a whole bunch of elves in Estyra to the wonders of hot chocolate and further trade between our kingdoms. Not to mention we’ll all have a fun day. It’s a win all the way around.”

“If I can get my heating device to work reliably.” Farrendel glanced over his shoulder at the heating device. “One of the wires melted.”

“Hopefully the replacement parts and stuff you’ll need to make a few more will arrive soon. Otherwise, we can always heat the hot chocolate over cook fires. Though I was hoping to show off your magical engineering skills since you can use your devices here in Tarenhiel since you elves don’t have the same regulations we have in Escarland.” Essie patted his chest and pushed away. “Oh, well. I guess that will have to wait until after you get your degree.”

Reaching behind him, she pulled an ivory-colored envelope out of her stack of papers and flourished at him. “It came.”

Farrendel eyed the paper, his chest constricting so tight he could not breathe. What if, after he had told her family and his, the university turned him away? How would he face everyone? What would he do then? He swallowed, yet his voice still came out scratchy. “Could you read it?”

Essie slid her finger under the seal and tore the envelope open. She pulled out several sheets of a thick stationary, unfolded them, and scanned the top sheet quickly. Her widening smile gave the answer away even before she began to read out loud in a pompous, official-sounding tone, “Prince Farrendel Laesornysh of Tarenhiel, it is our great pleasure to inform you that you have been accepted for enrollment at Hanford University.”

Farrendel sagged against the table behind him, relieved and yet also still tense. He had done it. He had gotten in.

Now he would find out if he was up to this task that he had taken upon himself.

“The rest of the letter is more official gobbledygook. But the rest of this...” Essie flipped through the pages. “It looks like Professor Harrington sent along a letter himself, personally congratulating you and laying out a schedule of lessons for the rest of this school semester that he and the other professors think would be best, awaiting your approval, of course. It is too late for you to sign up for any classes until next fall, but he says here that you can use the time until then taking some of the correspondence courses specially tailored to you. Apparently, he sent along an assessment questionnaire...ah, that would explain the large packet of paper.”

Tests? Assessments? Just what was he getting himself into? Farrendel stepped aside as Essie dug through the stack of paper she had set on the table and pulled out a large bundle wrapped in brown paper and tied with twine.

She held it out. “This must be what he was talking about.”

Farrendel took the packet from her, feeling its heft. Just how long was this questionnaire?

He could not do this. This was too much. Too much. His chest hurt, his stomach churned. His head felt light as he struggled to draw in a breath.

Then Essie’s soft hands rested on his cheeks. “Farrendel. Breathe. Deep breaths.”

Farrendel squeezed his eyes shut, focused on the feel of her warm hands against his face, and counted in his head as he breathed in through his nose, then out through his mouth.

It took several long moments, but the tension in his chest eased. He opened his eyes and met Essie’s gaze.

Her smile was soft, understanding, as she brushed her thumb over his cheekbone. “Take it small steps at a time. You don’t have to tackle all of this at once. Perhaps it is best that you aren’t able to sign up for classes until next fall. This way, you can get used to the rhythm of learning and taking tests and such before you tackle a class at Hanford University itself.”

The tension threatened to grip his chest again. How would he ever face taking a class with a bunch of strangers?

“Maybe we can arrange for a couple of tours of Hanford University so you can see the layout first and get comfortable with it. Maybe when we announce a few of those scholarship funds we’re going to sponsor.” Essie traced her fingers along his jaw before brushing some of his hair behind the point of his ear. “Aren’t you excited? This is still what you want, right? You can back out and no one will blame you. Well, you’ll disappoint a few university professors, but anything can be smoothed over.”

The utter conviction in Essie’s voice and the warmth in her smile banished the last of his anxiety, at least for now. He would probably have to talk this over during his next counseling session with the Harwells and with Taranath. But, for now, Essie was able to ease his tension so that he could think straight.

He set the packet on the table behind him so that he could wrap both arms around her, holding her close. “It is a lot to take in, but, yes, this is what I want.”

It might take him longer than most to settle into a new rhythm and new challenges, but he would adjust, eventually. He was beyond ready to stop merely surviving each day and, together with Essie, start truly thriving.

“Good. Then I will be with you every step of the way.” Essie stood on her tiptoes as she linked her arms behind his neck, her face close to his.

“I could not do it without you, my shynafir.” He brushed a kiss to her forehead, then the freckles on her nose. Then, finally, he drew her close and kissed her with all the hopes and dreams of their future bright inside his heart.