As Rharreth and Melantha moved away, Farrendel leaned more onto Essie, holding her tight. “I think it is time we left.”
“Yes.” Essie patted his chest as they started making their way back to the Tarenhieli-Escarlish army. “Let’s get you cleaned up and see if Rheva can pump you full of more healing magic. You aren’t fooling me. You’re still wincing with each step.”
He was not wincing. Maybe a tiny twitch to his muscles along his jaw. That was it.
Julien hurried to catch up with them, his dislocated and broken arm stiff at his side. “What about me? Who is going to heal me?”
“Rheva will heal you as well.” Weylind fell into step with Julien. He was carrying both of Farrendel’s swords.
As they joined the army, Averett reached them for a round of back-slapping and celebration. More would probably follow as soon as they crossed the bridge and met Edmund, Jalissa, Leyleira, and Rheva.
But that was all right.
Farrendel took a moment to hold Essie close and kiss her temple. Everything in him felt...calm. Far more relaxed and content than he usually felt after a battle.
His family was safe. His and Essie’s kingdoms were safe. And he was truly free to build whatever future he wanted.
ESSIE SAT BESIDE thelong table in the command shelter in the largest tree in the Tarenhieli-Escarlish encampment. Somewhere outside, squads of elven warriors, human soldiers, and troll warriors protected their royal families. Essie could not help but feel sorry for them, having to patrol on such a chilly, snowy evening.
Inside, the shelter was cozy, lit with globes of elf magic and warmed by so many people packed inside. Leyleira sat at the head of the table with Rheva, Weylind, Averett, Rharreth, and Melantha along one side and Jalissa, Julien, Edmund, Farrendel, and Essie along the other.
It was strange, sitting across the table from Melantha. Stranger still was Melantha’s smile as she leaned forward to join in with the conversation as they ate their meal of venison, bread, and vegetables.
Next to her, Rharreth’s mouth held a smile as well, though he spent more time watching Melantha than joining the discussion. His right arm rested in a sling to allow it to finish healing. Farther down the table, Julien wore a similar sling.
Still smiling, Melantha’s gaze swung to Essie. “Did anyone ever tell you about the time Farrendel went through a climbing phase when he was a child?”
“Only a phase?” Essie patted Farrendel’s arm, grinning.
He hunched slightly on his bench, but he was smiling and his wound no longer seemed to be paining him since Rheva had added her healing magic to Melantha’s earlier that day.
“True. But when he was a child, he would climb up the walls and cling to the ceiling. Then, when someone walked by, he would drop onto their heads like a shrieking, giant spider.” Melantha curled her fingers and gave a screeching growl.
It must have been hilarious to see a tiny Farrendel drop from the ceiling, his silver-blond hair flying. Essie couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled inside her chest as Farrendel shook his head and huffed, as if he could not believe Melantha was telling this story in front of everyone.
Melantha could barely talk through her own laughter. “Gave each of us a good scare. Once, Weylind even gave a rather high-pitched scream.”