Page 118 of Troll Queen

As Weylind, Averett, and Julien strode toward the generals, Leyleira, Jalissa, and Rheva headed for Essie and Farrendel. Essie gave them a smile, not letting go of her grip on Farrendel’s hand even as he shifted, his gaze dropping to his feet as if he was nervous about seeing his family again.

Leyleira approached first, gripping Farrendel’s shoulders and sweeping him from head to toe with a direct gaze. Her mouth tipped into a smile. “I see Escarland did you as much good as we hoped. You are looking well, sasonsheni.”

“Yes.” Farrendel lifted his gaze as his whole stance straightened. He smiled, first at Leyleira, then at Rheva and Jalissa. “I am well.”

As Leyleira stepped back, Rheva gave each of them a smile. “I am glad. Weylind was unbearable while he worried over you.”

“Of course he was. I’m sorry. That must have made life interesting around here.” Essie shared a grin with Rheva, glad she’d had a chance to bond with this sister-in-law. Then, she glanced past Rheva to where Jalissa had been hanging back. “And how have you been, Jalissa? Did you enjoy your time back in Estyra?”

“It has been quiet and peaceful.” Jalissa glanced at Essie, but quickly looked away. Even in that brief glimpse, Essie had seen that her face was drawn, her eyes sad.

Was it worry for Melantha? Or was this still that same malaise that Jalissa had been suffering ever since their return from Kostaria? After all the bonding they’d done during the war, Essie had thought Jalissa would trust her enough to tell her what was going on. might have something to do with Edmund, and maybe Jalissa didn’t feel comfortable talking about it with Essie since he was her brother. Essie wasn’t sure what Edmund possibly could have or would have done that would cause Jalissa to be this listless even three months later. Edmund was an honorable man and not the type to hurt Jalissa’s feelings on purpose.

Farrendel, too, studied Jalissa, a furrow forming on his brow.

Before he could make any comments of his own, Weylind and Averett returned from consulting with the generals. Behind them, the generals moved off, and Julien went with them, still talking quietly.

Averett jabbed a thumb over his shoulder. “Julien is going to stay here to organize the Escarlish troops when they arrive on the next train and ride with them. The elven army units were already sent ahead of us to the border as soon as they received word of the troll armies gathering at the border.”

Essie tightened her grip on Farrendel’s fingers. This felt all too much like the preparations for the war, and she needed the extra assurance that Farrendel was still at her side this time.

Farrendel turned to Weylind, his mouth in a tight line. “Any word on Melantha?”

“No.” Weylind flicked a glance toward Averett before focusing on Farrendel. “And our scouts have lost contact with our Escarlish asset.”

Now it was Essie’s turn to glance at Averett. Lines dug into his forehead, and he wouldn’t meet her gaze. Did they mean Edmund? He had been here, working with the elven scouts. Essie had assumed that meant he had been on this side of the border, but had he been in Kostaria this whole time? And what did it mean that the elven scouts had lost contact with him?

Just how many of her and Farrendel’s siblings were in danger up there in Kostaria?

Averett and Weylind did not seem inclined to explain. At least, not in front of her. Annoying when they decided to go all protective and tight-lipped like that.

They boarded the elven train once again, and this time Leyleira, Rheva, and Jalissa joined them. Weylind opened his mouth like he was going to protest having nearly his whole family head to the border, but one look from Leyleira had him snapping his mouth shut so fast Essie could hear the click of Weylind’s teeth.

When they were all settled, the train pulled away from Estyra. Essie all but pressed her face to the window to gape at the winter-clad forest passing by outside.

Farrendel made a soft, throat-clearing noise beside her, and she turned around to sit properly in her seat again.

But he wasn’t looking at her. His gaze flicked from his family members to the floor before going to Essie with something like pleading.

Ah. He was trying to tell his family his big news but wasn’t sure how.

Essie squeezed his hand between both of hers.Don’t be nervous, she tried to tell him through the heart bond.

Farrendel drew in a deep breath, then faced Weylind. “Essie and I have decided to split our time between Tarenhiel and Escarland more evenly.”

That wasn’t the news Essie had expected him to share, but that was probably the best one to lead with. The rest of it would make more sense that way.

Weylind’s face twisted, almost stricken, while Jalissa just blinked at the two of them. Rheva gave a small smile and patted Weylind’s arm as if prepared to stop him from doing something foolish.

Leyleira gave a nod. “Sounds sensible. I would have suggested it, but I knew the two of you would come to this agreement all on your own without my interference.”

Essie could have hugged Leyleira. This family needed more of her no-nonsense, sensible attitude.

Smiling, Essie leaned against Farrendel. “Tell them the rest. I know you wanted to wait until after you knew for sure, but I think now would be as good a time as any.”

“Yes.” Farrendel made another throat clearing noise as he stared at the floor. “A week ago, I...I...”