Page 8 of For One Night

It’s too hard to really communicate and introduce ourselves here but at least I know their names.

I tilt my head back to take the guy behind me in. He’s tall like his friend but all sharp lines and chiseled features. His hair looks like a dark navy blue, almost black but it could be the lights in here.

The blonde only chuckles before pressing closer against me, filling the distance Oz created.

I’ve decided I like the sensation of being sandwiched between two males and continue to dance with them both.

Oz’s body is more tense, but he doesn’t send his friend away. I’m grateful. I want all the attention I can get today while I’m corporeal.

Silas leans in towards me before abruptly halting. He freezes, causing Oz and I to fall out of rhythm.

“What-” Oz starts but Silas cuts him off with a sharp look.

His eyes are glowing gold as they stare at his friend before shifting to me.

“Mate.” Silas tugs me tight against him before kissing me deeply.

I have no idea why he said that or what it means but right now I only care about enjoying my first kiss. I’m worried I’ll suck at kissing since I’ve only ever watched it, but he leads me through things.

His lips guide mine before his tongue starts to join. I press tighter against him as he grips my hair in a fist, holding me right where he wants me.

“What are you talking about, Silas?” Oz demands, still standing right behind me.

Silas breaks our kiss with a growl that I feel down to my toes.

“I mean what I said,” Silas says before picking me up by my thighs.

He walks us to a dark corner of the bar, behind the DJ’s stage curtains, and presses my back against the wall. This whole place can probably see what we are doing but it doesn’t matter. No one will recognize me and I’ll probably be gone soon.

I see Oz trailing behind us but Silas steals all my attention.

One hand comes down to flip my skirt up revealing my lack of panties.

“Fuck!” He groans. “Do you want me to make you feel good, little mate?”

Is that even a question? “Yes! Please let me feel you.”

Silas presses two fingers into me slowly, testing my wetness. I’ve seen this happen before, I just never thought it would be me on the receiving end.

“You’re soaked for me, little mate. Do you want me to fuck you right here against this wall where anyone could see us? Want me to satisfy us both?” He leans forward and nips at my neck while waiting for an answer.

“Fuck yes,” I groan, and he wastes no time.

He pops open the top of his jeans before releasing his thick cock. He lines us up before slamming home. I scream out at the new sensations but it’s swallowed by the music at the club.

“You feel like heaven. You were made for me, you know that, right, little mate?”

Made for him? I mean this feels amazing but I wasn’t sure if that’s just what sex is always like.

He starts pumping into me, dragging against nerve endings I never knew could be stimulated so much.

I’ve seen lots of sex during my time as a ghost and it never looked as good as this feels. I think I picked the perfect person to satisfy me for my time alive.

He stops his motions, instead doing shallows pumps that leave me wanting more. It feels like I’m being denied the best part and teased at the same time.

“I asked you a question,” he growls. I try to think back to what he said. It was about being made for him.

I would agree to anything he asked right now, so I nod my head yes. “I’m made for you,” I add when he doesn’t immediately start moving again.