Page 31 of For One Night

“It has to happen on Halloween night while the ghost is corporeal, which clearly it is. The fated mates all share a piece of their essence with their ghostly mate. It allows them to stay grounded in this plane. Mates are forever connected, this potion I know of just secures and emphasizes this connection. You shall allow me to watch the combination as payment for this information.”

We don’t even have time to argue with him.

“How do we combine our essence with hers?” Silas asks but Elias is already moving to his supplies.

“I know what he’s talking about. How did I not think of this!” Elias shouts.

He rummages through everything, pulling out ingredients and mixing a potion.

“It seems your warlock knows what he’s doing,” Fredrick answers.

“Shut the fuck up, I need to focus,” Elias demands.

He rapidly mixes a potion, doing the incantation as he works.

We have maybe minutes left to make this happen or we will be stuck waiting until next Halloween. This has to happen now, before it’s too late.

I run my fingers through my hair while pacing around the room. Hurry the fuck up Elias!

He turns around, rushing back to us with a glass in his hand.

“I need your blood now,” he tells the other two while slicing his own palm open.

Oz bites into his wrist without wasting a second before holding it over the container. He grabs Silas’ hand and uses his fangs on him as well.

I think Silas could have shifted his teeth, but maybe this was quicker. It doesn’t matter. We just need to get this done.

Elias finishes chanting his spell before passing the glass to me.

“Drink this.”

It almost completely falls through my hand and to the ground but Elias maintains his grip. We would have been absolutely screwed if he needed to remake it.

He grits his teeth in frustration as he watches me continue to flicker.

I try to focus all my energy on being physical and I know if this fails, I’ll be gone.

I snatch the glass from him and chug the contents, barely registering the bitter taste.

For a second, nothing happens and I think we’ve failed. Then, the strings connecting us harden, no longer thread but now steel. My body grows stronger and I can tell I’ve stopped flickering.

There’s still a well of power inside me but it no longer feels connected to my life force. It feels separate and linked with my supernatural abilities alone.

“I think it worked!” I shout.

The three of them sag in relief before swarming around me.

I look behind me to make sure Fredrick isn’t about to get a free show, and see he’s already gone.

“He flickered out completely a second after you took the potion. We were just in time,” Silas answers my unspoken question.

Thank fuck for that! I suddenly feel like the luckiest person in the world. Surrounded by my mates with a second chance at life, I might just be.

They’re all touching me, probably reassuring themselves that I’m real. And with each touch that proves the fact, I feel that overwhelming emotion of both lust and care down the mate bond. My heart could melt.

“I can’t believe we did it. That I can stay here with you guys,” I say.

“Fuck yes, you’re here with us. You’re real and you aren’t going anywhere. Now we can enjoy you without worry, like we were always meant to,” Elias says.