Page 30 of For One Night

On cue, I feel weaker. Like all the energy that has been filling me up is draining out of an open hole.

Oz is staring at me, looking disturbed. The other two turn to stare as well.

I’m afraid to see what they’re staring at but I woman up and check myself.

I am flickering in and out of existence. You can still see me but it’s obvious I am not completely solid. I grab a t-shirt and boxers, putting them on quickly. I don’t want to go incorporeal completely naked. The guys put on shorts at some point but I didn’t, wanting to maintain as much skin to skin contact as I could.

“This is it,” I say. “Listen, I will try to haunt you sometimes so you know I’m there. Maybe you can talk to me, tell me about your day and I’ll listen.”

I blink away tears and swallow around the lump in my throat. That sounds horribly depressing but it’s the best option we have.

Elias shakes his head. “How is this happening? Why would fate be so cruel to help us find each other just to have it ripped away?” He sounds furious.

There isn’t much I can do to comfort him. We are all going to have to do our best to stay positive.

“You just need to work on finding an answer for next year,” I say instead of responding to his comment.

Elias’ front door swings open, allowing someone entry.

“Fuck off! You don’t want to deal with us right now.” Elias gathers power in his hand, aiming it at the door. His other arm, which is wrapped around me, tugs me tighter to his side. He only has contact with me when I’m solid, but he’s holding on like he can ensure I stay.

“I was told to come,” an old, familiar voice says.

“Fredrick?” Oz asks, shocked.

“Yes. You told me to come with an update, so I came. I don’t appreciate being treated with malice upon my arrival.”

“You know something?” Silas shouts.

All of us rush towards him. We are almost completely out of time, and he is our last hope.

“What should I do?” Elias demands. He’s ready to try anything. Fredrick just needs to tell us.

Fredrick looks shocked by our reactions.

“I haven’t found anything else,” Fredrick starts.

Elias loses his mind, shooting a fireball at Fredrick. He’s flickering in and out, just like me, so it goes right through him.

I know Elias’ next move will be the spell that causes the ghost anguish. We need to be sure that’s all he was going to say before pissing him off.

“Fredrick, just to be clear, you know nothing about how to keep a ghost here?” I ask.

“It’s impossible. So unless you have the ghost’s fated mates on hand, you’re out of luck,” Fredrick says.

All four of us tense, and I’m sure my heart might break out of my rib cage. Way to bury the fucking lead, Fredrick!

“We are her fated mates. How do we keep her?” Elias is holding his anger back, trying to get information without losing his temper.

Precious seconds tick past. Fredrick looks between us all, interested.

“You’re fated mates, and she’s a ghost? Fascinating… I’ve only ever read about this in a case study. Can I research you?”

I imagine he’s lost his mind after years of being a ghost and not realizing it, but I’m about to kill him for being so dense.

“Tell us how and you can have whatever you want,” Oz answers.

Fredrick purses his lips. contemplating, and then he gives us a singular nod.