Page 5 of Untamed Soul

“Trouble in paradise?” He tips his head toward Nyx, who’s pacing up and down the top of the alley, practically tugging the hair out his scalp.

“Shut the fuck up.” I slam my fist into his guts and listen to the air rush out from his throat.

“I gotta head back to the club.” Nyx marches back toward us, tucking his phone into his pocket. “Screw, can you lock up the shop? Squeal, take care of him.” Nyx’s head gestures at the cocky shit in front of me.

“Everything okay?” I check.

“It will be once my wife learns to slow the fuck down,” he fumes as he storms out the top end of the alley toward his bike.

“Who you selling for?” I ask the smarmy bastard staring back at me. I get no answer, just another snigger, and I give my brother a ‘is this fucker for real’ look.

“Who?” I grip the front of his T-shirt with two hands and slam him into the wall again. I figure another punch won't hurt him, so I slam my knuckles into his cheek. My attention doesn’t move from him when I hear the sirens or the screech of the tires. It’s just a shame Roswell’s gonna get the credit for this, we could have had a lot more fun with him back at the club.

It doesn’t shock me when the kid smiles me a blood-tinged smile. Today is his lucky day. Being taken in by Roswell will be a lot more pleasant for him than it would have been if he was being taken in by me and Screw. What does shock me is the shove that comes out of nowhere into my back. I’m not braced for it, so it sends me crashing into the wall in front of me when Luke shifts out the way, and when my arms get pulled back, cuffs snap over my wrist.

The rough bricks graze the side of my face and looking at my brother, I see his eyes widen. I don’t understand why he ain’t ripping the throat out of the fucker detaining me.

“Hold up, hold up,” a voice comes from behind him, and Brax jogs up the alley. “You’re making a… Oh…” He stops dead in his tracks and smiles. “I didn’t see that coming,” he sniggers, and even the look on my brother's face suggests he finds this whole thing fucking amusing. Now, if someone would just let me in on the fucking joke, maybe I’d find this funny too.

“Possession of a firearm, narcotics, and an assault. Big day for you. You're under arrest,” a familiar voice speaks into my ear, a female voice that continues to reel off my rights. And when I finally manage to get my head around enough to see what the fuck is going on, she almost looks as shocked as I am when our eyes meet. I snort a laugh. A low sarcastic one that doesn’t seem to impress her.

“You're coming to the station,” she tells me, using the cuffs to drag me away from the wall, then starting to walk me down the alley toward a patroller.

I don’t protest, and Brax and Screwy follow behind closely.

“I need back up. On the parade and a medic, over,” she speaks into her radio, proving she's confident I’m not going anywhere by only holding me with one hand.

“You got this all wrong, that’s the guy you should be arresting,” Brax yells at her, but she keeps moving, acting like he isn't even there. She opens the back door of her patroller and forces me inside by stretching up and pushing down on the top of my head. I wink at her as she slams the door shut, admiring her ass through the window when she turns around and confronts Brax and my brother.

Brax protests and my brother’s looking pissed now, I manage to catch his eye, and I shake him a warning.

I hear her speak into her radio, explaining that the victim has disappeared.

Of course he fucking has but he’s on borrowed time, Nyx knows who he is, and we’ll find him.

“We’ll sort this, brother,” Brax tells me through the window before throwing a dirty look at the female officer. “I’ll meet you at the station,” he tells me, slapping my brother on the chest and tipping his head toward their bikes.

The cop who’s just arrested me gets into the driver's seat and takes a long deep breath before starting the engine.

“Officer,” I speak up first.

“Don’t speak to me,” she warns, trying her best to remain professional.

“If you were so desperate to see me again, you should have taken my number.” I laugh before she quickly reaches behind her to slide the screen across and put a barrier between us. And if I didn't have my hands restrained behind my back, I’d punch at it for the way that frustrates the fuck out of me.


It’s a short ride to the station. We’d have been much quicker walking it, and when we get there she opens the door for me, refusing me eye contact and keeps hold of my arm as she leads me into the building.

I give Lucille, behind the desk, one of my pantie-dropping smiles, and she blushes back at me, probably remembering the night I fucked her over the hood of the little Honda she brought into the garage a few months ago.

“What are you doing here?” She quickly stands up when she realizes I’m cuffed.

“He’s under arrest,” Officer Dick Whisperer, answers for me.

“You’ve arrested him?” Lucille’s eyes swell wide because she knows how things work around here.

“Yes, that’s what police officers tend to do, Lucille. Now could you please get me a—”