Page 74 of Untamed Soul

He looks over my shoulder, trying to concentrate on keeping us on the road as I grind my hips hard into his.

“You trying to get us killed?” Squealer laughs, the glint in his eyes and the smile on his face so bright I know this is exactly what he needs. I bury my head into his neck and kiss over his tattoos, feeling his heartbeat thudding against my chest as his own adrenaline starts to pump it faster.

“You’re fucking wild!” he calls out into the wind as I slide my tongue up to his ear.

“Fuck me, Cody Harrison,” I dare him, and within seconds he pulls up on the side of the road, kicks down the stand, and carries me toward the rough rocky surface edging the road. My back hits against the stone, and he rips open my jeans.

“Here?” he questions, calling my bluff, and expecting me to make him stop.

“Right here,” I nod back at him, the rush of excitement in my stomach spiking when he smiles back at me.

“Sure thing, darlin’.” Tearing the denim off my hips, he drags it to my ankles, lifting me back up onto his body, so I feel his cock press between my legs. I don’t care how exposed we are, or the fact that someone could drive past and see us.

That ache inside me to be with him and do what we do best overrides all that. I’ve had more sex with Squealer than I have any other man. I’ve never had time for a relationship, never wanted a man's company before, and yet I can’t seem to get enough of this irritating asshole.

I still have to adjust to his size each time his cock enters me, and it’s torturous how good it feels to have him fully inside me. And with his hands pressed into the rocky surface, he gives me everything I need.

“I like this version of you,” he tells me, holding himself deep inside me, the same sense of relief rushing through us both. “I’m gonna make this one real fast. Then I’m gonna take you back to your place and lose myself in you for the rest of the day. Sound good?” he growls into my ear before grazing it with his teeth.

“Sounds perfect,” I whisper back, my breath catching when he grabs my breast through my sweater and clenches it tight. He pounds me into the rocks over and over again, fast just like he promised, and hard so that both of us moan when his cock empties inside me.

“I’m driving.” He kisses my cheek, pulling back and holding the keys up in front of my face with a cocky smirk. Then leaving me to pull up my jeans, he strides confidently back to his bike.

Abby’s nowhere to be seen when we get back to my place. She’s still not officially moved in yet and wanted to speak to Nyx and Brax first, but she’s been coming and going as she pleases, and I like having someone else around.

“You want something to eat?” I ask Squealer, moving toward the fridge to see what I have in.

“You.” He grabs me up in his arms and carries me straight into my bedroom, dropping me onto the mattress roughly and climbing on top of me.

“I lied,” he tells me, his face suddenly turning serious again. My heart instantly starts to hammer in my chest, and I’m mad at myself for letting him provoke such strong reactions out of me. I’ve always been strong and independent. Why does the thought of this man deceiving me feel so shattering?

“There’s never been another girl on the back of my bike,” he sighs, dropping his head to avoid eye contact with me just for a second.

“You seem to be an exception to all the rules for me.” He’s smiling when he looks back up at me.

“You expect that to make me happy?” I ask, narrowing my eyes, and when he goes to pull back, I grab his face in both my hands and drag him back to me. “Because I have no idea why, but it does,” I confess, wondering what the hell I’m getting into here. His head dips, and his lips touch my skin, pressing kisses all over my neck and shoulders as he strips me of my clothes, and I try to forget how dangerous all this is.

I’ve never felt for someone before, never wanted, or craved having a partner the way I know some women do. Love is for the weak, something that people feel they have to have to make it in this world. I’ve always refused to feel obligated to it, but as it turns out, Cody Harrison is an exception to all the rules for me too.

“You two aren’t blowing fast enough,” Maddy snaps her fingers at me and Screwy. I release the pink balloon from my fingers, so a high-pitched whistle travels around the club bar as it flies.

“Very mature,” she bites back at me.

“Don’t you think you're getting a little uptight over all this?” Jessie puts things a lot more politely than I would, wrapping his arm around his girlfriend's shoulder as if she's a bomb ready to detonate.

“Ella and the baby are coming home today. We need to make it special. No one was there for her when she needed us, and I never even had the chance to throw her a baby shower.”

“Hey, that’s not true, me and Screw had things covered.” I correct her, taking the balloon that she thrusts into my chest and bringing it to my lips.

“She must have been so scared.” Maddy bites her lip. I’m about to tell her how offended I am when Jessie shakes his head, warning me to keep my mouth shut.

“Don't you think this might be a bit much?” He looks around the club at all the pink streamers, the hundreds of balloons, and all the flowers.

“It does look like a unicorn threw up in here,” Rogue points out, adding the final pin to a huge welcome home banner before she jumps off the chair she’s standing on and checks it’s straight.

“This is our way of showing that we’re here for them. It can’t be easy having two children so small.”

“Should have thought of that before she spread ‘em.” Rogue takes a lollipop from the bowl full of pink sweets that Abby carries past her, popping it in her mouth and hollowing her cheeks to suck at it.