Page 23 of Untamed Soul

When the door crashes open again, another blonde girl marches in.

“Grace, you made it!” Shaniya looks delighted.

“Of course, I did, wouldn't miss it. I do have to head back to a lecture at two pm, though.” She sits in the spare seat beside Maddy and takes the time to look me over as she does.

“She the one who arrested Squealer?” She makes no attempt to whisper, and when Maddy nods, it prompts the girl to lean over and introduce herself.

“Grace.” She pushes her arm across Maddy so I can shake her hand.

“Alex,” I reply, taking her offered hand.

“Rogue just text, she sends her apologies.” Shaniya finishes checking her phone.

“Really?” Grace looks surprised.

“Well, in her own words…” Shaniya smiles as she reads out the message. “Can’t make it today, I don’t do meetings, and I hate books.” She smiles through her teeth at the group that has gathered around her, and the room falls awkwardly silent.

Ella eventually breaks it by waddling in and taking a seat.

“Muffin?” Shaniya holds up the plate to me, and I politely decline, passing them on to Maddy, who passes them to Ella.

“I couldn’t,” Ella refuses. “Nyx just made me eat this huge salmon salad, apparently I’m not getting enough omega 3.” She rolls her eyes and huffs. “I don’t know where he’s reading this stuff.”

“It will probably be the guide to a healthy pregnancy book that I loaned out to him,” Shaniya admits looking at Ella guiltily.

“What?” Ella almost chokes.

“He came in and asked. I was just doing my job.”

“I think that’s really sweet,” Maddy looks at Ella and pouts. She’s right, it’s hardly the behavior of a savage criminal.

“It is, and I don't mean to seem ungrateful, but the guy won't even let me put my own shoes on in the morning. Between him and my dad, I’m about ready to crack,” Ella admits.

Looks like I’m gonna learn more about the club than I expected to. It might just make all this worth my while.

Shaniya takes a seat and is about to start the meeting when the doors burst open again, and someone else runs in. My eyes are skimming over the list of proposed books that's been handed to me.

“Sorry I’m late, I got held up at the club.” The newcomer takes a seat opposite me, and when I look up, I recognize her face straight away.

She’s beautiful, though slightly too pale and her red hair looks a little scragglier than it does in her picture, but her eyes are so big and bright, I know it must be her. She smiles at me warmly as she leans forward to help herself to a cookie.

“Didn’t expect to see you here,” Ella seems surprised and happy at the same time.

The girl checks over her shoulder, to where Shaniya is chatting with the older woman.

“Troj paid me a hundred bucks to rock up,” she admits.

“Oh hey, I’m Abby. You must be the one that arrested Squealer.” She lifts her head at me when she notices me staring.

Before the meeting finishes, I agree to attend again next week, as well as read the entire book that we all eventually agreed on.

I read Pride and Prejudice when I was in high school, but it was the popular choice, and since I don’t have much time for reading among everything else I’m working on, I figure it will give me an upper hand.

I haven’t even got back to the station to tackle all the paperwork on my desk when my phone beeps. Shaniya’s set up the group chat, just like I suggested. I now have access to all the girl’s numbers, including Abby’s.

Not bad for a day's work.

Though I doubt it will make much difference. I'd still need an excuse to talk to her, And I doubt we have much in common.