Page 16 of Untamed Soul

Bursting through the club doors, I head straight to the members-only bar.

“Hit me up,” I tip my chin at Tac. He keeps charge of all the narcotics to make sure things don’t get out of hand.

“And none of that half-assed Chinese shit. I want the Burlusconi gold dust,” I warn him.

Tac rolls his eyes before pulling at the chain he’s got attached to his belt, then moving toward the safe, he takes out a block of the good stuff and uses his flip blade to cut me some off.

“Make that fucking last.” He keeps the powder balanced on the blade before slipping it into an airtight baggy and handing it over.

I nod my gratitude and waste no time, heading over to the bar and tapping some out onto its surface. Then I use a Black Pearl business card to cut myself a long, thick line before hoovering it right on up.

Shit’s good. Stick to the back of ya throat, kinda good. And I wait for the buzz of it to take over all the stupid fucking thoughts I’ve been having lately.

Alex coming to the compound is fucking dangerous, and right now, all I can think about is putting her against the clubhouse wall, ripping those fancy cop pants down her thighs, and fucking the law right out of her.

“What’s with you? You're all tense and shit.” Tac takes a seat on the barstool beside me.

“I’ll be fine once I’ve nailed some of this shit in me and had a decent fuck.”

“Got anyone in mind?” Tac asks. He may have at least ten years on me, but he’s still got it. And since everyone else around here seems to be bailing on me and shacking up, it’s a good job.

I wish I could turn my head off for a second and stop thinking about Alex. But her showing up everywhere, crawling under my skin, and trying to get a rise out of me ain’t making it easy.

It’s time to take back some control.

“As a matter of fact, I do,” I answer Tac’s question, scrolling through the list of contacts on my phone until I find the one I’m looking for. Then, I quickly send a text and cut myself another line before I talk myself out of it.

“It’s good to hear from you again,” Lucille giggles like a teenager when she arrives at the club half an hour later. She’s got herself all done up. Short denim skirt, blonde hair curled. She’s excited, sexy, and desperate to be fucked.


She smiles at Storm, who landed up serving tonight, before placing her purse on the bar and sliding up onto a stool next to me.

“It's been a while.” She presses her tongue against her teeth, probably thinking back to the night I fucked her in the restroom at Dillon’s bar.

“You wanna go upstairs?” I pick up her purse and press it against her chest to move us on.

“You not buying me a drink first?” She pulls a stern face at me, doesn’t want me thinking she’s a sure thing. The fact she got here so fast leads me to believe otherwise.

“You wanna drink, or you wanna get your brains fucked out?” I don’t wait for an answer before I start walking to the foyer doors. She’ll follow because she knows I’m good for it.

I see the way she looks at me when I’m in town and remember how needy she was that night in Dillon’s.

When I reach the stairs, I feel her hand slide into mine when she catches up, and I lead her up to the second floor. Since Grimm fell head over dick for Rogue and gave up his private rutting room, and half the club has turned monogamous or whatever, there’s always plenty of empty rooms. Perfect for a quick and nasty fuck, which is exactly what Miss Lucille’s gonna be getting out of me.

I’m tense and slightly buzzed, and it’s all fueled my frustration at Deputy Monroe.

I’m convinced she’s here to cause shit for the club, which makes the fact I wish it was her pussy I was getting into right now real complicated.

Lucille sits herself on the edge of the bed, her little ‘I’m not easy’ act dropping when she slips the top she’s wearing right off and tosses it at the floor. I’m about to undo my belt and take out my cock so she can get to sucking. But curiosity has me holding out.

“You spending much time with that new lady cop?” I pause to ask, knowing Lucille would have spent the most time with Alex since she’s been in town, and if there’s anything that can be said for this girl, it’s that she knows people’s business.

Her eyes lift from where they’re focusing on my zipper, and she stares up at me, confused.

“Alex tends to keep herself to herself.” Licking her bottom lip, she reaches her hand out, taking hold of my waistband and tugging me closer.

Her needy little eyes look up my chest into mine as she opens her mouth, ready to take me. And I surprise myself when I pull back.