Page 90 of Forbidden Soul

“Few days. You're on an antibiotic drip,” Maddy informs me. “You’re safe here, we got members here round the clock, and Rogue hasn’t left your side.”

I look at Rogue and suddenly notice now how tired she’s looking.

“You should go home, get some rest,” I tell her gratefully.

“I’ll stay with her until her uncle comes back, I promise,” Maddy assures Rogue, and Grimm pulls a face that backs her up. Rogue screws her nose up at them both.

“Here,” she pulls a gun from her jacket pocket and hands it across the bed to Maddy, who takes the gun and opens the chamber to check it’s loaded like a pro.

“The fuck?” Jessie watches the exchange in shock.

“Sisters gotta do shit for themselves sometimes, VP,” Rogue tells him, leaning down to place a glossy kiss on my cheek before taking hold of Grimm's hand and strutting out the room.

“And you’re sure this is it?” Nyx checks with Storm, kicking up dust in the layby we’ve ridden to.

“Yeah. I drove this far, then we got dragged out the cage and led through there,” Storm points at the woods.

“I don’t know what direction we went in, they put a sack over my head,” he recalls, tracing steps and starting to count. “There will be a cabin, a hunting lodge, or something like that. That's where he was.” The kid still hasn't got the fucking balls to look at me. The address Maddy pulled before she left for the hospital this morning is burning a hole in my pocket, but before we go there and destroy, I’ve insisted Storm come out here to show us where they were taken. I’m hoping we can find something on the guy in the mask.

“Come on, we’ll split up. We can cover more ground that way.” Brax gets off his bike and looks over to Tommy. “Watch the bikes, grunt!” he snarls, crushing his smoke under his boot and leading us into the woods.

We separate, and Storm follows, keeping his distance from me.

He can sense my anger, he knows he fucked up. To be a member of this club you’ve got to be prepared to lay everything on the line when it matters.

Storm failed to do that.

I march through the woods, trying not to think about how scared she must have been being dragged through here. Did she think she was going to die? Did she blame me? My thoughts must make me go off track because when a sharp whistle echoes through the trees, it seems like I’m miles away from the others. I sprint in the direction it came from hoping they’ve found something.

Hell knows how I’ve got any energy left. I must be running on vengeance because I haven't slept. When Jessie left me last night, I drank some more, then I headed to the gym and smashed the fuck out of the pads. It’s only because Brax found me there this morning and forced me into the shower with the promise of finding more answers, that I’m not still there smashing the fuck into them now.

I manage to find the others standing in front of a cabin, just like the one Storm described. It looks cozy from out here, almost pretty, and it’s hard to imagine that the horrors that took place inside will haunt my girl for the rest of her life now. I notice Storm staring, unmoved, and see torture on his face as his fists clench together.

“I ain’t going inside” he shakes his head defiantly.

“You wanna fucking bet,” I grab the back of his scruff and march him forward. He can face this same way I have too.

“No, I’m not.” He pulls out of my grip and stands his ground. “I’m not going back in there, Troj.” He looks me dead in the eyes now, fury and sadness swirling inside his pupils.

“You get in that fucking cabin and help us look for some answers.” I point my finger at the door, then prod it hard into his chest.

“You think you got it bad, Troj?” he yells. “You don’t like imagining what they did to her. Well, try having to fucking watch it.” Those blue eyes of his mist over with tears before he turns his back on me and marches inside.

“You want answers, I’ll fucking tell you everything. See that there,” he points to one of the pillars holding up the ceiling.

“That’s what they tied me to while they pinned her to the floor.”

“That’s enough,” Nyx interrupts. “Go back out, Storm, take five.”

“No,” Storm fights back. “He wants to know. So I’ll tell him.” He seethes at me, “The cunt stood beside me and forced me to open my eyes. I had to watch them pound into her over and over.”

“Storm, come on,” Brax tugs at the kid’s cut.

“No, he wants me to face it, so he can face it too.” He refuses to budge.

“She called out my name, Troj, and when I couldn’t help her she called out yours. Really fucking loud, like you might have actually heard her. Even though she knew you couldn’t save her, she called for you.” The kid might as well take out his knife and stab it straight through my fuckin’ chest. His words hit me with more fucking agony than my body can contain, and I throw my fist at the cabin wall.

“He had a gun,” he attacks me with more. “And he told me if I didn't keep my eyes open, he’d shoot her in her shoulder so his sick fuckin’ buddy could taste her blood while he fucked her.” I grip the front of Storm's shirt and pin him to the post where he was tied but the kid doesn’t flinch. He’s lost all his fear for me, all he fears now are the memories that he shares with Shaniya.