Page 85 of Forbidden Soul

Prez steps out of my way, and I move over to Jessie’s table.

“You should get to the hospital, be with your girl,” he tells me under his breath.

He’s right, I should, but I can’t, not while the men that hurt her are still out there.

“Someone needs to go to the reservation and speak to her uncle.” I keep my eyes focused on the men in front of me.

“I’ll go myself, brother,” Prez tells me, crushing a hand into my shoulder before I hear his footsteps against the concrete and the door close after him.

“I got this, Troj,” Jessie tells me calmly, and I believe him. But the only person who’s gonna be hurting this son of bitch is me.

Jessie can ask the questions, but I’m the one who’ll be dealing out any pain tonight.

I saw him through all the darkness. I felt his hands on my skin and the crush of his hold. I swear I heard his voice too.

We were together for a little while, but we’re not together now. I can’t sense him anymore.

Maybe he lost the fight. Maybe we’re both dead, and this is hell.

My eyes flicker open and the bright lights immediately hurt. I call out his name because there are hands all over my body, and voices all around me. Voices I don’t recognize.

They can't touch me. I can’t go through it again. I try to sit up but I don’t move. My body feels too heavy, and the hands that still touch me weigh me down.

“Troj,” I call out the name of the only person who can make me feel safe again.

But get no response.

I squint my eyes to try and focus better, my arms are fighting back now, I can feel them, thrashing at whoever is clawing at my skin.

“You’re going to be okay, let us help you,” the voice I hear is kind, and I want to listen to it because it’s telling me what I need to hear. But it doesn’t belong to Troj.

The pain in my body seems to ease again, and suddenly I’m floating. The hands on my body don’t bother me anymore and I feel instant relief in the blankness.

“So here’s what we know,” Jessie addresses the table. The past couple of hours have been a blur of violence and pleads for mercy.

We got answers. But I don’t feel any better for them.

“The men who took Shaniya and Storm were Alteo’s and they were working under Cooper’s order. They were hired by a guy wearing a mask, and Alteo didn’t know who that was. He claimed he just supplied the man power.”

I was numb down in that basement, I shut off any emotion other than hate and rage. What I did to that man was brutal and bloody, it even made Jessie look horrified at one point, but none of it felt enough. Even if I could go back down there and kill him all over again it still wouldn’t be.

“Surely he knew who hired them? Him and Cooper were working together…” Nyx pipes up.

“Trust me, if he knew, he’d have spoken up,” Jessie interrupts, his eyes looking across to mine. I’m sure he’s recalling the moment I took a hacksaw to the guy’s dick.

“We got names on the four men. Maybe they’ll know more from being there. But we’re pretty sure the man in the mask would have kept his identity hidden, especially if Cooper kept it from Alteo.” Jessie clears his throat.

I stare at the table in front of me, and can taste the blood on my fingers when I toke the cigarette I’m smoking. All I can focus on is my next move. There are four men whose names I now know, out there breathing, and I need them all dead.

“Why Shaniya?” Nyx asks, and I catch an awkward look between Prez and Jessie from the corner of my eye.

They know why, they just don’t want to say it out loud because it’s my fault.

“Because she was the only one they could get to,” I answer Nyx’s question for them. Keeping my eyes on the grains in the wood on the table. Squeal slides me a bottle of vodka down and I stare at it for a few seconds, before picking it up and knocking some back.

“We got any ideas on who else would want to hurt the club like that? Surely Storm picked up on something that was said,” Tac asks.

Prez shakes his head, and I can tell how frustrated he is that he can’t come up with answers. A silent enemy is the most dangerous of them all.