Page 83 of Forbidden Soul

Screw must break every speed limit and fly through every red light because we arrive at the hospital within minutes of leaving the compound.

I waste no time, sliding out of the van and taking her with me, running with her in my arms toward the ER glass doors and hoping that someone can fix her.

Wide eyes and shocked faces greet me when I step inside. And chaos spreads around us like I just threw a grenade at the floor.

I feel something tugging at her, trying to take her away from me and it makes me hold on to her tighter.

“Let me help you, sir.”

“Troj,” Screw places his hand on my shoulder. He said my fucking name. I’ve never heard him speak before, and I stare at him wondering if I imagined it. Am I imagining all of this?

His eyes throw me in the direction of the male who’s trying to take control, and I realize it’s a doctor. A very concerned-looking Doctor.

I loosen my grip and help him lower her onto the gurney that’s appeared in front of me.

It's white and spotlessly clean, and her lying out on it under the harsh lighting in the ER room allows me to see the real damage.

She’s broken. Her whole upper half of body is exposed to the doctor, Screwy, and every fucker in the room, and there’s so much blood. So much that I wonder how she can still be alive.

They waste no time wheeling her away from me, down the corridor, and through double doors. I stumble onto my knees when all I can do is watch and listen as her sweet voice infested by raw fucking agony calls out my name.

Screwy drags me back onto my feet just as Rogue and Maddy rush in through the doors behind me with Squealer. Maddy’s crying, Rogue looks ready to kill someone, and Squealer comes straight at me.

“We’ll get ‘em,” he promises, rushing over to the desk to deal with the receptionist.

I pull myself together and go to follow the direction the gurney went in, and some stupid fucker tries holding me back. I swing for them, and Squeal manages to grab me just before I land a right hook.

“Sir, she’s being taken care of. We need to get you looked at too.” I ease down when I realize it’s a woman standing in front of me. She holds out her hands and smiles at me calmly, but my head shakes back at her. I look down at my bare torso, my hands are red and sticky, my grey sweat pants covered in dirt and blood. I’m covered in it. And it could be mine, or Kullolli’s, but it also could be hers.

How the fuck could I have let this happen?

“Sir, please. You need to be seen by a doctor.”

I can’t be seen by a doctor. I ain’t got time. What I need is to find the people who hurt her and make them fuckin’ dead. I start to back out of the ER doors and see the sudden confusion on Squealer’s face.

I don’t know how to be there for Shaniya. How do you comfort someone from what she’s just been through? How the fuck can I tell her everything's gonna be okay before I’ve ripped the hearts out the chests of every fucker who hurt her?

I’m blocked by Screwy, who puts himself between me and the glass doors. His face is expressionless as he stares down at me.

“Give me the keys,” I hold out my hand, but get greeted with silence, his stern expression suggesting he ain’t gonna let me pass.

“Give me the keys,” I repeat, and eventually, he reaches into his pocket and holds them out for me. “You stay with her,” I order, holding back my tears as I point my finger at him, and then I run.

I blank out during the drive back to the club. There’s too much anger swirling around inside me to focus. I can’t get my head around how this has happened. Why would anyone want to hurt her?

Cooper had us all where he wanted us. If they wanted to start a war they would have done it on the reservation, and how are none of the other girls hurt?

I need fucking answers.

I park the cage up in front of the club and march inside. Everyone’s heads lift up when I step into the bar room and I see the somber expression on all their faces. Storm’s sitting at the bar, and Grace is patching up his face, dabbing his cuts with alcohol and cotton balls.

He let them hurt her, sure there were five of them, but he should be dead from trying to protect her from them all. I head straight for him, ignoring my name as it gets yelled, and the tugging I feel at my shoulders.

“You let this happen,” I point my finger at him, fighting to get past Tac who’s stepped up in front of me.

“Tell me how the fuck you let this happen?”

Storm shakes his head, unable to look me in the goddamn eye because he knows he’s let me down. More importantly, he let her down.