Page 79 of Forbidden Soul

Well, I didn’t make it to heaven, not unless heaven smells like fresh blood and sweat.

I come around to the sound of Jessie’s voice demanding me to get up. And the thought of leaving Shaniya in this cruel wicked world without me to protect her, suddenly gives me the surge of strength I need. My legs rapidly engage, and I use all the fight left in me to shift the lower half of my body and wrap my thighs around his throat.

I manage to somehow get the fucker’s hand from around my neck, twisting my body and squeezing him tighter between my legs.

According to Jessie, it takes a lot of power to snap a man's neck. I’m weak, and at a bad angle. But lucky for me survival mode has kicked in, and there’s no way I’m losing this fight. Not after all the promises I’ve made her.

I manage to get a hard hit on the guy, splitting his nose. Once I start, I don’t stop, my right arm feels supercharged as I lay blow after blow to the man’s skull.

I don’t care what this man’s got to live for. What I’ve got matters more.

I’m turning this fight around, adrenaline is giving me more and more strength and I manage to get my opponent dazed enough to change position, setting myself up to snap his neck. I get a glimpse of Jessie in my corner. He’s red faced and screaming at me, he wants this over as quick as I do, and with one final thought of her, I do what I have to. I lock Kullolli’s head between my hands and I use all the force left in my body to twist until I feel the fatal snap, and his body goes limp.

I fall back against the canvas and take a fucking breath. My arms are heavy, my body aches, and I can’t think about anything other than relief.

I fuckin’ won.

“Holy fuckin’ shit, Troj, you made that one look hard,” Jessie immediately comes to me. Holding my head in his hands and slamming a kiss on the top of it.

The body between my legs gets dragged away, and Jess stands up and holds out his hand to pull me up.

“Ya good?” he asks with a huge, relieved smile on his face. I go to grab his hand, and my heart fucking stops when I see what's happening behind him.

Everyone’s too busy celebrating to notice that Cooper has stepped up behind Prez, the gun in his hand raising up to point at his head. There are at least twenty feet between me and him, I ain’t gonna make it to him in time. Before my brain can engage to yell out a warning. A gun fires off and Jessie automatically crouches down to cover me.

I push him away to get to Prez, but when I manage to stand up the person I see on the floor is Cooper. Prez is looking down at him with a shocked look on his face. Burlusconi coolly tucks the gun he’s just used to put a bullet in Cooper's brain back inside the shoulder holster he’s wearing under his suit jacket.

“I never did trust him,” he curls his lip up and shrugs at Prez, who looks fuckin’ shook.

Chaos suddenly breaks through the shocked silence when a few of the Albanian men fire some shots, but only to cover themselves as they make it toward the truck they came in, and I scope the area to seek out Alteo but get no sign of him.

I head straight for Prez. He’s still staring down at Cooper’s body, I’ve never seen him look so shocked.

“I guess I owe you a thank you,” he eventually looks up to Burlusconi.

“I wasn’t going to let this pretender cause my business any problems. I like the way you run things, Jimmer Carson. I was never going to have the future of my enterprises decided by a fight.”

“You could have told us you were gonna show,” Prez huffs a laugh.

“You learn a lot about people from situations. Tonight, I learned that you are as honorable as I predicted. There were enough of your men here to kill them all without the fight. You stuck to your word. He did not.” Burlusconi’s eyes glance down on Cooper.

“Ya good?” Prez notices I’m standing beside him now.

“Just about.” I nod my gratitude to Burlusconi.

“It was a good fight,” Raoul tells me, looking impressed.

“I might have spared that poor fucker his life if I knew you were gonna do that,” I look at Cooper's open head wound and the blood that’s blown all over the canvas.

“Nah,” Burlusconi snarls as his head gestures toward my dead opponent, “Everything is as it should be.”

“I’ll have Grimm take care of these,” Prez assures him. “You and your boys are welcome back to the club, there’s gonna be some celebrating,” he winks.

“I never mix business with pleasure, and I have a tight schedule, my air space is booked I’m afraid.”

“I hear ya, and I’m grateful.” Prez shakes the man’s hand.

Raoul Burlusconi nods before his men follow him back to his car.