Page 76 of Forbidden Soul

The impact of another blow doesn't hurt anywhere near as much as the thought of all she’ll do without me does.

The man that makes her a woman better love her with every fuckin’ part of his soul.

And I torture myself thinking of the husband I'll never get to be, the beautiful kids, with blue eyes and beautiful warm skin that we’ll never fuckin’ make. And as everything around me fades to silence, the pain seems to stop, leaving just the black blanket of the sky above me.

I wonder if this is all for the best. Me and Shaniya were forbidden souls right from the very start. At least she’ll know that I loved her enough to sacrifice.

This doesn't feel like a sacrifice though. It feels like injustice. And if there is a god, and I make it to him, I’ll raise the devil and his army to bring him down, for dragging me away from her.

“Get her the fuck out of here,” Squealer yells at me, shoving me toward the truck. It’s hard to move fast when Troj’s girl is fighting against me, and when I realize this is the first time I’ve ever seen Squealer look worried it unnerves me.

“Let me talk to him.” Shaniya stops fidgeting and looks me square in the eyes. She’s so pretty. It’s easy to see why Troj likes her so much.

“He can’t fight, Storm, I can’t lose him,” she pleads, but she’s pleading to the wrong person. There’s jack shit I can do. I’m just a Prospect. And when I give her no response, she continues to struggle.

She’s tough for her size, and I ain’t about to let the others see that I can’t handle her.

“Listen!” I yell at her, gripping her shoulders. “I’m just doing what I’ve been told. Shit ain't gone to plan, and Troj wants you safe.” I try to reason with her but the girl’s having none of it, and she continues to fight with me to get back to Troj.

“Don’t make me throw you over my shoulder and drag you to that cage. I’m heavy-handed and if I bruise you, Troj will make me suffer for it,” I warn.

She lifts up her knee to strike me between the legs and I manage to block her just before she connects, then crouching down I haul her up onto my shoulder and start moving us forward.

She kicks and fights me all the way to the cage, and as soon as I open the driver’s door I slam her hard into the seat, then force her to move along the bench seat when I start climbing in myself.

“You may not think it right now, but this is for the best, whether Troj fights or not, you being here is a distraction he doesn’t need,” I try explaining. A small part of me even feels sorry for her, despite the fact that if she had her way my nuts would be up inside me right now.

I pull away from the reservation, up the bumpy track, and on to the main road toward the club. It sucks that we have to go the long way around, but we blocked any passageways big enough to get a truck through earlier. We don’t want any vehicles getting on the compound.

Shaniya remains silent, probably planning her escape for when we get back to the clubhouse, on foot she could get back to the reserve quickly but she won’t stand much of a chance, the clubhouse and the girls are being protected by our Utah members.

That shit Cooper pulled back there was sneaky as fuck and as soon as I’ve dropped her off and know she’s secure, I’ll be heading straight back to the fight, ready to get my hands dirty.

Yeah, I’m only a Prospect right now, but this club is rapidly becoming my home. These fucked up brothers have become my family, and they give me a little hope that I’ll see my sister Riley again.

We can’t lose Troj, and I’m doing a way better job of hiding it than Shaniya is, but I’m scared too.

We’re a few yards off the turning to the club, when a noise comes from the back of the truck and distracts me from the road. I look in the rearview mirror, and my blood turns cold when a dark figure pops up behind me and cold metal presses against my temple.

Shaniya screams so loudly that I swerve, and I feel the gun press deeper into my skin.

“Keep driving, follow our instructions,” the voice in the darkness speaks in a thick accent, muffled by the ski mask he’s wearing, and I have to quickly pull myself together and make a choice.

I ain’t got a lot of options to get us out of this. And thinking is hard to do when all I can hear is the panic in Shaniya’s breathing.

Our instructions, he definitely said our, is there more than one Albanian fuck in the back of this cage?

The answer to my question comes when a second guy leans over the seat and presses a knife against Shaniya’s throat, making her whelp like a scared puppy.

All I’m armed with is a fucking knife, and Troj will never forgive me if I purposely crash this cage to throw the guy with the gun off, while his old lady sits in it with me.

So I do all I can do, and follow his instructions, driving on past the compound gates.

The man with the gun guides me, leading us through winding roads, and tracks through the woods that I never knew existed.

“Pull over here,” he orders after about fifteen minutes, and I steer into the small layby where a white van is parked up waiting. The gun is still pressed to my head, as two men get out of the van in front, both of them wearing the same masks as the fuckers that have got us held hostage. They step into the beam of the headlights then split apart, one of them heading for the passenger side to grab Shaniya, while the other one comes to my door.

“I swear if you hurt her, you’ll fuckin' die.” I ignore the fact I’m being tugged at, staring the guy who unbuckles Shaniya’s belt through his mask as he drags her out of the truck by her hair. Her scream goes straight through me, triggering the thoughts that continuously haunt me. But I can’t lose it. Not here. Not while I’ve got a gun to my head and Troj’s old lady to protect.