Page 68 of Forbidden Soul

“Sorry to disappoint, it's been quiet around here lately,” Prez shrugs.

“That's good to hear,” Hawker nods. “Would be a shame for all those pretty ladies to have to visit their men behind bars. I wonder how long they’d sit around waiting?”

Nyx goes to step forward, but Jessie slams a firm hand over his chest and shakes his head at him.

“Was there anything else?” Jessie asks Hawker, knowing that the thin cord of restraint among us all is close to snapping.

“No, but I’m sure I’ll be seeing you all soon.” Hawker gets back in his car and we all stand in line, watching him pull off.

“Church,” Prez turns his back and marches into the chapel behind us, and I return the look Jessie gives me as we follow in after him, because I don’t fucking like this either.

“Did you see the look on Nyx’s face when you said you were doing target practice?” Grace giggles, while Rogue rounds the bar and lines up four shot glasses, she grabs a bottle and fills them up, then hands them out.

“Sorry, preggers,” she shrugs at Ella, who smiles back and touches a hand over her little bump.

“Here’s to taking control,” Rogue toasts, and I quickly knock back the drink in my hand not expecting to feel my throat catch fire.

“Wow,” I splutter, and Ella assists me with a pat on the back as the warm liquid eats away my insides.

“I’m impressed, Little Miss Sunshine, never knew you had it in ya.” Rogue pours herself another.

Rogue had been the one who dragged me into the meeting the girls had earlier, where we all decided that we wanted to be there to watch the fight. Maddy was selected as our spokeswoman, and I was flattered that they’d included me in their protest.

I just wish I’d had the opportunity to speak with Troj and find out how things had gone with my uncle. Now I’m worried he’ll be mad at me like the others were. He didn’t seem mad though, much more shocked.

I stand by what these girls are saying. There’s no way I could stay here knowing Troj was fighting in the village.

“Anyway, as much as I’d like to stick around and swap recipes with ya, some of us have work to do.” Rogue unties the arms of her pink overalls from her waist, and pulls them on. “Meet by the lake at four. I’ll bring the artillery.”

“Are we really gonna do this whole shooting thing? Maybe Nyx had a point about the guns. I can’t exactly take Dylan with me.” Ella bites her lip nervously.

“Just when I thought we could be friends,” Rogue rolls her eyes. “Listen, darlin’, let me paint a picture. Nyx is on a run, with Daddy. Squealer’s too deep in pussy and Screwy’s too stoned. If an intruder enters your home, you wanna know how to blow his balls off his dick, don’t ya?”

“Sure,” Ella nods, looking horrified by Rogue's scenario.

“Good, then don’t be late.” Rogue looks pleased with herself as she swings open the double doors and leaves us.

“I should go relieve your mother of her babysitting duties, looks like I’m gonna need her to help me out again this afternoon too.” Ella slides off her stool.

“You know she loves having him,” Maddy tells her.

“I’ll head up with you. I’m going that way anyway. I promised I’d help Tayen move into her cabin.” I get ready to leave.

“See you at four.” Grace waves us off, taking a laptop out of her bag and setting it up on the bar.

I make my way up the track with Ella, she’s no older than me, and yet she seems so mature. I guess she has to be, since she’s about to become a mom for the second time.

I wonder if Troj will want us to have children? I’ve never really thought about it before because it was so hard to imagine Tawk being a father, but I’ve seen the way Troj messes around with some of the kids in the village when he’s been there helping out, and I’ve noticed that he can’t walk past baby Dylan without shaking his chubby little hand or ruffling his blonde curls.

“Thanks for including me today.” I distract myself from those thoughts and strike up a conversation with Ella.

“You’re one of us now, like it or not,” Ella laughs.

“If it’s any consolation, I do think Rogue’s right about the shooting thing. That night our village got attacked, I felt so helpless. It was horrible,” I explain.

“We’ve all been helpless at some time,” Ella smiles at me sadly. “But it was a good thing what you did, it brought your people closer to us, and made them trust that we want to help. Not to mention the hot guy you bagged yourself in the process.” She nudges me with her shoulder.

“You’re right there.” I lose myself for a moment thinking about Troj and his tongue this morning.