Page 64 of Forbidden Soul

When I’m done, I open the doors out onto the decking overlooking the lake to let in some morning air. It looks like it’s going to be another beautiful day, with the sun shining in a cloudless sky.

“Someone’s looking happy to be alive.” I look sideways and see Rogue sitting with her legs dangling over the deck into the water. She looks up to the sky and releases a cloud of smoke from her mouth.

“These slumber parties Troj keeps having are getting more frequent, what would your uncle say if he knew his niece was being such a bad girl?”

“I haven’t been a bad girl,” I stick up for myself defensively. “Up until last night, me and Troj have only ever kissed.”

“Up and till last night, huh?” Rogue looks intrigued, so much so that she angles her body toward mine and lays out, balancing her chin on her fist. “Tell me everything. Is he big? I always had Troj down as being way larger than average. Though I hear it’s Nyx that takes the prize.”

“We didn't have sex.” I don’t know why, but I whisper the sex part of the sentence.

“What did you do then?” Rogue mocks me, lowering her own tone to a whisper.

“He… he um…”

“Oh come on. Spit it out,” Rogue encourages me.

“He kissed me, you know, down there.” I gesture my eyes downwards. It feels a little strange having this conversation with her, but I feel like I need to have it out with someone. And this is definitely something I won’t be telling Dyanni.

“Holy shit.” Rogue leaps on her feet. “Grimm, baby, you got to hear this,” she calls through her double doors while I frantically try to hush her.

Grimm appears in the doorframe wearing just a black pair of boxers, and slips a cigarette between his lips. He scratches the back of his neck while looking at Rogue through barely open eyes.

“What?” he rasps.

“First of all, good morning,” Rogue attacks his face with hers, and his tattooed hand slides around her body, squeezing her ass so tight it must be painful. They kiss long enough for me to hope she’s forgotten what she was so excited to tell him.

“And secondly,” she drags herself off his lips to add. “Troj, feasted on a pink taco last night.” She twists on her heels excitedly.

Grimm, looks surprised. “Troj did?” he checks, looking to me for a confirmation that there’s no way I’m going to give. Damn Rogue, I wish I’d never opened my mouth.

“I know,” Rogue squeals, drumming excitedly at her boyfriend’s chest.

“What’s with all the noise so damn early?” a rough voice comes from the other side of Rogue’s deck. Squealer steps out of his cabin, also only wearing his underwear, then without any shame he urinates off the edge of his deck into the lake.

“I fucking swim in that water, you pig!” Rogue looks at him in disgust.

“You also eat Grimm’s cum for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. So excuse me for not giving two fucks,” he points out, shaking himself off before tucking it back inside his underwear.

“So is someone gonna tell me what all the fuss is about?” he asks, pulling the cigarette from behind his ear and placing it between his lips.

“Troj went down on Shaniya last night,” Rogue blurts out, and Squealer lets out a deep throaty chuckle to himself as he strikes a match and lights the end of his cigarette.

“You gotta be something kinda special, darlin’,” he tells me, shaking the match out.

“Please, let’s just talk about something else,” I beg.

Troj steps out of the doors and immediately comes up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, and burying his head into my neck. He kisses me good morning before he realizes we have company.

“You hear that sound, Grimm?” Squealer asks, stretching out his ear. “That’s the sound of a thousand girl’s hearts tearing in two because our pretty boy here has gone and found himself the one,” he answers his own question.

Troj shrugs, not seeming bothered.

“I’ll take my 500 in cash,” Squealer smirks, and Troj lift his chin off my shoulder to pull back and look at me, he seems confused for a few moments but eventually he laughs.

“It was worth every cent,” he tells Squealer.

“You want breakfast?” he asks, ignoring our audience.