Page 61 of Forbidden Soul

“We better get back to the club, I need to stop for gas on the way and there's one more thing I got to do before we go back to my cabin.”

“Sure.” I take my position behind him again, holding on to him tight as we ride back toward town.

We stop at a gas station, and I stay on the saddle while he goes inside to pay. All these little things are normal daily tasks for people, but they make me realize how sheltered I’ve been. We get back to the club, and although it’s nowhere near as busy as it was the night before, I can still hear the music thumping through the walls.

Troj gets off his bike and holds out his hand to aid me off, and I let him lead me inside with our hands still joined. He stops just before he pushes through the doors into the main bar, turning his body to face mine. He’s wearing his hair up tonight, and looks so handsome I just want to climb him.

“You got one last chance to run,” he tells me seriously. “Once we do this, there ain’t no going back,” he warns, causing my heart to thump in my chest. I nod back at him unknowingly, because whatever this is, I know that if it’s with him I’ll want it.

“Good, here goes.” He takes a deep breath and smiles, before barging the door open with his shoulder and walking us inside. He leads me straight to the bar, his hand holding tightly to mine like he fears I might bolt, and I look over to the table where Squealer, Brax, and Screwy are all playing cards. I can’t tell if it’s Grimm or Rogue that’s playing too, he holds the cards, but she’s the one on his lap arranging them in his hand. Her tongue hanging out her mouth as she concentrates.

“You ready?” Troj whispers, distracting me.

The truth is, I don’t know if I am. There are so many pretty girls in here, and all of them seem to be staring at me instead of him, and I have no idea what all this is about.

I don’t have the chance to ask him what I need to be ready for because he spins me around and pulls a stool under me, forcing me to sit. Then placing two hands on my thighs, he spreads my legs apart and stands himself between them. His hand slides behind my ear as his nose trails along my cheek. “No going back now, darlin’,” he whispers before he kisses me.

It’s firm and consuming, and the heat that trickles through my body makes me forget that we’re in a room filled with people.

I don’t know how long he kisses me for, but when he pulls away I feel lightheaded. He’s got a grin on his face that promises everything will be okay, and despite feeling a little embarrassed, I can’t help returning it. I glance back over to the table and notice that the card game's been abandoned, all mouths are open in shock except for Rogue’s. She winks at me before she focuses back on the cards that are in Grimm’s hand.

“You making a statement?” I recognize the voice that comes from behind me, it belongs to Prez, and when I turn my head to face him I expect him to look angry. I’m pleasantly surprised when he smiles and squeezes Troj’s shoulder.

“Sure as heck am, Prez,” Troj responds, flicking his eyes to the woman behind the bar. “Trish, get my girl here whatever she’s drinking.” I catch the look she throws at one of the other girls before she fakes me a smile.

“Whatcha havin' then?” she asks impatiently.

“Troj…” I tug at his shirt, drawing him in closer to save myself any embarrassment. “…I’m not old enough to drink,” I whisper, feeling my cheeks heat like they're on fire.

“You're kidding me?” He stares back at me, unable to disguise the shock in his expression.

“How old are ya?” There’s a hint of worry in his tone.

“Twenty, I turn twenty-one next month,” I explain, and his shoulders sag with relief.

“Rules like that don’t really apply here,” he explains. “Just order what you want and go steady. I’m not taking you home drunk.”

“I don’t know what I like,” I tell him. Could this be any more shameful?

“She’ll have a white wine and soda,” he tells the annoyed-looking girl who's serving, and she looks me up and down like I’m trash before she gets to work.

“So this means she’s off-limits?” The older guy they call Thorne shakes his empty beer bottle and places it on the bar as the blonde girl sets down my wine and soda.

“Yes,” Troj answers. “And you can spread the word.” He rests his elbow on the bar and takes a sip of his own drink, reminding me that I should try mine. I bring the glass to my lips and take in the sweet smell before taking a tiny taste.

It’s good, really good.

I’ve nearly finished the drink in my hand when the double doors fly open and Maddy bursts through them followed by Jessie. She bounds straight for me, almost knocking me off the stool when she throws her arms around me.

“Didn't take long for word to get around,” Troj says to Jessie, who shakes his head in response and orders himself a beer.

“Thorne messaged Jessie,” Maddy explains, rubbing her hands together like an excited child.

“Can ya spare five?” Jessie ask Troj.

“Will you be okay here with Mads?” Troj checks.

“Of course she will,” Maddy answers on my behalf, sounding offended.