Page 53 of Forbidden Soul

“Better not, just in case anyone’s still awake. I’m supposed to be tucked up in bed. Tell Rogue I’ll return her clothes tomorrow.”

“I don't think she’ll worry,” Troj says, getting off his bike and taking my hand in his.

“Goodnight, Shaniya.” He kisses my cheek and reluctantly lets go of my hand, and I feel his eyes watching me as I weave through the trees and head back to my village. I’m way out of my dept with Troj, tonight’s proved that. The easy thing to do would be to walk away before I get swallowed up. To just be the person I’m supposed to be.

But I can’t.

Any apprehension I feel vanishes when he looks at me with those deep brown eyes, and I see all my desires reflected back at me. I’ll cling to that for as long as there’s a glimmer of hope for us.

Maybe inviting her here tonight was a stupid idea. I can tell it’s put some doubt in her head, and it ain’t any wonder. She’s been surrounded by people drinking and getting high. I could at least have eased her in gently.

I rush back to the club and head straight into the members-only bar, where Prez, Tac, and Thorne are waiting.

“Where are the others?” I ask, surprised by the lack of numbers.

“Didn’t want to ruin anyone’s night, but we got problems.” Prez pours himself a scotch. “Roswell just messaged. Hawker’s showed up in town.”

“Fuck!” I huff, this ain’t the time for ATF to be showing their faces. Especially with Chief Inspector Hawker leading them.

“We’ll take the stockroom.” Tac smacks his palm into Thorne's chest.

“I’ll go get the truck. I’ve only had one beer so I’m good to drive. Where we heading, Utah?” I check.

“I’ll call Dec and tell him to expect you,” Prez nods, taking a seat and looking deflated, and I wait until Thorne and Tac have left before offering him a smoke.

He takes one from my pack and I light it for him before I sit down.

“What’s got ya troubled?” I ask.

“I’m just fed up of dragging our asses on the floor, Troj, we’re already close to losing everything, and now this shit. We ever gonna catch a break?”

“We can rest when we’re dead, old man. But for now, we got a family to protect.” I give his shoulder a firm squeeze before I head for the door.

“Troj.” His gravelly voice stops me before I can make it out.

“You and the native girl… it’s something, ain't it?”

“Would you have a problem if it was?” I test the water, there’s no man in this world who I respect more than my Prez. He took me in when I had nothin’ and made me a part of his loyal but fucked up family.

“I’ve given up intervening with matters of the heart, a man wants what he wants, Troj. I trust my brothers to make their own decisions.”

“It’s something,” I admit, then watch the old man’s face crack into a brief smile before I walk out to help the others pack shit up and clear it out.

The party is still busy, and no one notices me moving one of the cages around the back to the chapel’s vestry where we keep most of our supplies. There are at least twenty cases of firearms that need to be shifted, and a reasonable stash of coke and weed. Thorne and Tac start loading up, while I try calling Squealer for extra hands.

Soon as the van’s loaded, I head back to the clubhouse to let Prez know we’re leaving, and sense heat in the atmosphere the second I step through the bar room door. All my brothers are gathered here now, their faces stern as stone and staring at the same target.

Agent Hawker.


“Relax,” the arrogant prick holds his palms up in defense. “I’m not here to make any arrests, I haven’t even got a warrant.”

“Well, then kindly fuck off. This is a private party.” Jessie’s fists ball at his sides, the way they always do when he’s running thin on patience.

“That’s not very friendly now is it, Jessie,” Hawker points out sarcastically. “Especially since I’m actually here to help you boys out.” He takes a seat and crosses his legs, flicking something nonexistent off the leg of his suit.

Brax snorts a laugh. “Do we look like idiots?”