Page 49 of Forbidden Soul

“Again?” she moans, still half asleep. “That’s all I seem to do these days.” When her eyes open, they instantly attack me with that judgmental look.

“I know, and I’m so grateful. I just…”

“Just?” Dyanni looks at me impatiently.

“I miss him when I’m not with him, I feel like I can breathe when—”

“Save me the sloppy crap, I’ll cover for you.” Swinging her legs around, she sits on the edge of her bed.

“You’re the best.” I launch my body at hers, sending her back onto her mattress, and the pair of us giggle just like we used to when we were little girls playing in the forest.

I wait until a more decent hour before I head in the direction of the compound. I need some advice, from someone with experience, and there’s one person that springs to mind.

I stand on the porch outside the cabin that I know belongs to Rogue, and tap the door lightly with my knuckles. I don’t know why I’m so shocked when Grimm answers, this is where he lives, but I find myself lost for words. He’s like nobody I’ve ever met before, handsome in a way that doesn’t quite seem human.

“Rogue’s out back,” he tells me blankly, moving around me to exit the door himself and I let myself in, stepping through the cabin and heading toward the double doors that lead outside.

“Hey,” Rogue places the gun she’s holding down on the table in front of her. I can’t be hiding my expression all too well because she laughs at me.

“Just cleaning out the chamber,” she holds up a small rectangular box.

“Take care of your weapons, they’ll save your life one day.” Loading five gold bullets back into the chamber she just showed me, she snaps it back inside the base of her gun and looks up at me.


“Um, sure.” I shrug, following her back into the kitchen.

“So what do you need?” Rogue asks, opening one of the cupboards above her head and pulling out two mugs. She flicks the switch on the coffee machine and turns to face me.

“Troj invited me to the party tonight.”

“Ahhh yes, Maddy’s little shindig. Can you believe I’ve had to promise best behavior?” She rolls her eyes.

“I’ve never been to a party before,” I admit, feeling my cheeks heat under my skin. I expect Rogue to laugh at me, or at the very least make a sarcastic comment, but she doesn’t. “I don’t know what I should wear, I’m worried I might embarrass myself… and Troj.”

“I think I can help you,” Rogue says, her eyes studying my body curiously. “With the outfit I mean… You embarrassing yourself is totally on you.”

“Thanks.” I smile, unsure if I should be offended or not.

“Follow me, Sandra Dee.” Rogue grabs my hand and drags me into one of the bedrooms. It’s a total contradiction to the rest of the house, there’re clothes on the floor, a disorganized makeup table, and drawers half opened with more clothes spilling out of them.

“This is my dress room, obviously I sleep next door with Grimm, but he’s got a few organization issues.” She smiles at me awkwardly. “Sit.” She sweeps a pile of clothes off the dresser stool onto the floor and forces me down by my shoulders.

“So what are we going for? Casual, I want to get your attention?” She searches through the wardrobe and I quickly catch the sweater dress she throws at me. “Or outright slutty?” She holds up a black leather dress in one hand and a pair of red heels, that I could never imagine being able to walk in, up in the other.

“The first one, definitely the first one.” I cling to the sweater dress for dear life.

“Okay, but not that, I borrowed it from Maddy when I first moved here.” She snatches it off me and pulls an icky face as she tosses it aside.

“How about…” spinning around she starts to flick through her wardrobe again. “Ahh perfect.”

“I don’t know about this,” I confess to Rogue as we get into her car. “Isn’t it a little too short?” I tug the dusky pink stretchy fabric lower down my thighs, but it soon rides back up again. The dress Rogue’s lent me is simple, but I guess she’s right, it does flatter my skin tone.

“The dress is perfect, come on, I agreed to the pumps even though it would have looked way better with the heels,” Rogue points out, again.

I button up the denim jacket, feeling exposed by the way the dress clings to my body. Rogue says that I should be proud to flaunt my assets, but being on display like this is going to take some getting used to.

“Stop fidgeting, you look fucking amazing. Trojy's eyes are gonna pop right out of his head when he sees you.” Rogue takes a hand off the wheel to unbutton me, and I shoo her away.