Page 46 of Forbidden Soul

“The club isn’t the kinda place you want to be hanging out, Shaniya,” he tells me, refusing to look me in the eye.

“The other girls spend their time there, and you seem to like it there. I was just trying to understand your world.”

“Maddy, Ella, Grace, and Rogue are all claimed, they won’t get any hassle.”

“Your friends were really kind to me, they invited me to join them. It felt nice to be accepted,” I explain, but it does nothing to soften the lines in his forehead.

“Just don’t go back there without me, okay?” He tugs me under his arm and continues to move us forward.

“Sure.” I look up at him and smile, managing to draw one out of him too.

“I need a shower. You feel like watching some more TV?” he asks, and I nod back at him enthusiastically.

I wait for him on the couch while he showers, and once again I’m tempted to go inside and get another look at him naked. I saw the way the women pleased the men down at the club the night I came here for help, how they rub their bodies tight against theirs and stroke their manhoods through their jeans so confidently. I wonder what Troj would feel like in my hand, would it be heavy, or hold its own weight? Silky to touch or bumpy?

Troj comes out of the bathroom in just his underwear, smiling shyly as he steps through to the bedroom.

“What we watching?” he asks when he comes back out in a black T-shirt and jeans, he sits beside me and slides his hand along my shoulder. I press the button on the remote that makes the screen turn black and turn my body to face his. The shirt he’s wearing clings tight to his chest and torso, I can see the ridges of his abdomen poking through the fabric and I watch his reaction as I slide my finger over them. He watches me intently, and I feel his heart beating fast when I lean forward and press my lips over his hard chest.

My hand slowly edges lower and when my fingers reach his jeans, I stretch out my palm and stroke him through his denim. He hardens beneath me, and the rush of power it gives me fuels the confidence to press into him a little harder. My kisses travel higher up his neck, touching skin instead of fabric.

“Shan,” Troj groans my name, his body tensing, and his hand grasping mine, trying to guide it back up his body. I resist, forcing it back down and continuing to rub him through his jeans.

“You need to stop,” Troj tells me, pulling back and removing my hand from his lap.

“Stop?” I stare back at him confused. “Isn’t this what you want? I’ve seen the girls at the club—”

“I like you because you're different to them, and I ain’t claiming to be a saint, course I want your hands on me. But there’s only so much restraint I got and I’m trying to keep your virtue intact, remember.”

“You’re a good person,” I tell him.

“You say that without knowing some of the things I’ve done.” Taking my hand, he brings it to his mouth and kisses my knuckles softly.

“Your guard ain’t high enough,” Autumn tells me, waiting to land a punch at my left rib when I lift my fist to protect my temple. It’s a hard blow, especially considering he’s not wearing gloves. We’re both bouncing on our toes, tired from the heavy session we’ve put in. My legs are aching, my arms are tired, but I can’t predict how long the fight with Cooper's guy will last. I need to be the fittest guy in the ring.

“You’ve had enough today,” Jessie calls over from where he’s sitting on the weight bench.

“Not yet,” I bite back, keeping my eyes focused on my brother. I’m determined to get one good punch on him before we’re done.

Something distracts Autumn, causing him to drop his guard and crook his neck to look past me toward the gym door. I take the opportunity, landing a left hook perfectly on his jaw before I realize what he’s looking at.


“Hey.” Shaniya smiles up at me innocently. She looks beautiful with her long black hair plated over one of her shoulders, and the white top she’s wearing emphasizing the warm tones of her skin. “I thought you might be hungry so I brought you this. Delving into the basket she’s got over her arm, she pulls out a napkin.

“Will you look at that,” Autumn says sarcastically, recovering from the blow of my fist by rubbing his palm over his cheek. I tear the Velcro on my gloves with my teeth, taking them off and tossing them onto the canvas.

“You didn’t have to do that,” I tell her, ducking under the top rope and jumping down from the ring.

“I wanted to. You're working so hard, you have to keep your strength up.”

I take the napkin she’s holding and unravel it, and inside there’s a perfectly constructed bagel. “Salmon and cream cheese. Marilyn said it’s your favorite.” She’s smiling that shy smile that does things to me, and if I couldn’t feel the eyes of Jessie and my brother peering into the back of my skull I’d kiss her for it.

“I should go, I promised Tayen I’d watch her little ones while she gets the cabin ready to move back into.” Her eyes lower over my bare torso, and the way they swallow me up makes me want to devour her.

“Thanks for the bagel,” I hold it up gratefully.

“Anytime.” She smiles again before leaving.