Page 42 of Forbidden Soul

“Mornin’ darlin’.” He tips his head at me like I'm someone who belongs here, and I smile in response. Marilyn follows after him, adjusting her hair and stopping in her tracks when she notices me.

“Oh, hey sweetie, you’re here early.” She’s a lot more flustered than usual and I wonder if she’s just done the dirty.

“I couldn’t sleep, so thought I’d come to help you with breakfast,” I tell her, trying to hide my amusement.

“I’ll leave you ladies to it.” Troj’s friend grips a handful of Maddy’s mom's ass cheek in his hand and squeezes before making his way back down the stairs.

“About what ya just saw…” Marilyn blinks awkwardly.

“I didn’t see anything.” I mimic the wink Rogue gave me back at Troj’s cabin. “We all need our secrets.”

“That we do, honey, that we do.” She laughs loudly before following me into the kitchen.

The gym’s empty when I get there after my morning run, and I head straight for the huge tractor tire that Thorne recently acquired and start flipping it. I feel good after spending a night with Shaniya, real good in fact.

It don’t matter that nothing sexual happened between us, just having her laid beside me was enough. It also confirmed everything I thought, she is the one I want to be with, not just for now, but for life.

I know that’s a bold statement to make, but I’m done with whores. Waking up beside different women in the morning ain’t all it’s cracked up to be. I’m ready to share my life with someone.

Now I just have to figure out a way to make it happen without her family hating her for it.

I manage to get some work on the ropes done, and a steady weight session in before Jessie shows up, and he wastes no time picking up the pads as I slip on some gloves.

“Any word on who Ivan got to be my opponent?” I ask, starting off with some light jabs, Jessie’s the best pad partner here at the club, he reads me well and changes shit up to keep me working. He’s also the only one around here who could come close to challenging me in the ring.

“Nothing yet, but we’re working on it,” he tells me, quickly changing the position of the pads and making me work harder. It’s hard to train for a fight when you don’t know who your opponent is, but I guess for now we’ll just have to manage.

“You got something on your mind?” he asks, his eyes narrowing and daring me to lie to him.

“Just trying to figure some shit out.” I put more force behind my punches, pushing Jessie to pick up the pace.

“Wanna talk ‘bout it?”

Jessie’s my best friend, he’s had a lot of shit landed on his shoulders since he became our VP and I trust him with my fuckin’ life, for that reason I decide to open up.

“I told Shaniya I wanna marry her,” I admit, waiting for the backlash.

“You did what?” Jessie drops his guard so fast that I almost catch him on the jaw.

I pause to catch my breath. “I told Shaniya I wanna marry her,” I repeat, watching him slump down onto one of the weight benches while I take off my gloves and grab some water.

“You're kidding, right?” He looks like he wants to laugh, but I can tell he’s freaked out at the same time.

“I ain’t kidding,” I shake my head, screwing the cap back on my water bottle and tossing it at the grappling mat.

“You’ve known the girl for five minutes, and trust me, I get the whole instant attraction thing. But shit, Troj, marriage.”

“Marriage, union whatever it is her and her people call it. It means a lot to her and I’m prepared to do it so I can be with her. I want her for keeps, Jess,” I tell him honestly. “And I kinda knew that before all this shit started,” I confess. Might as well have it all out there. “I know how crazy it sounds but I can’t help how I feel, brother.”

“Wait, you knew her before?” Jessie looks up at me, confused.

“I’ve been taking my morning runs past the border for a while now. Me and her had this kinda thing going on.”

“What kinda thing, Troj?” Jessie takes a cigarette from his pocket and sets it between his lips.

“Like she would come to the river and bathe, and I’d kinda watch her.” I notice his eyes widen in a look of horror. “Okay, that sounds a whole lot worse than it actually was.” I scrub my hand over my face. “What I’m sayin’ is, we had a connection, and then this shit happened so it brought us together. And I know it ain't gonna be easy, but not having her ain’t an option for me anymore,” I tell him, pushing the gloves back onto my hands, ready to get back to work.

“So let me get this straight. For some time, you’ve been creepin’ on a chick from the reservation. Who just happens to be the chief's niece. And now you wanna make her your old lady?” Jess rubs his temple with the fingers that are holding his smoke while he takes everything in.