Page 33 of Forbidden Soul

I open the door and Shaniya stands in front of me, biting her bottom lip shyly as she slowly releases a smile that’s all for me.

“Dyanni’s going to cover for me,” she whispers as I move to the side so she can come in. Soon as I’ve closed the door I take her by surprise, lifting her off her feet and taking her lips with mine. She smells of pine and vanilla, and when she strokes the back of my neck it sends a tingle of pleasure directly to my cock.

“Troj, we have to talk about this.” She tears her lips away from mine when she feels the effect she’s having on me pressing up against her.

“You’re right, but kissing you again is all I’ve thought about for the past eight hours, so I had to get that out the way,” I explain, shamelessly. “Whatcha wanna talk about?” I place her down on my kitchen table and take a step back to give her some space, and when her attention drops to the obvious bulge in my sweatpants she blushes.

“Sorry darlin’.” My eyes follow hers and I slide my finger across my bottom lip awkwardly.

“That’s what we need to talk about.” She clears her throat but her eyes don’t budge, and having her focus there only makes me fuckin’ harder.

“Troj. I… I’ve never… you know.” God, she’s so damn sweet, she can’t even get the words out.

“I figured,” I say, stepping into the space between her legs. “And it’s not something I want you to give away to just anyone, which is why I’m gonna prove to you that I ain’t just anyone,” I whisper. Her throat swallows thickly and her eyes light up with a smile.

“My uncle wants me to marry Tawk, he won’t ever approve of you,” she points out.

“So we keep this between us, ‘til all the shit with Ivan is over and I’ve won the fight.”

“And then what?” Her eyes are so fuckin’ enchanting I find it hard to focus on anything else.

“Then I tell your uncle that the only man his niece is gonna be getting hitched to is me.”

“Hitched?” She pulls a confused face at me.

“Married,” I enlighten her, then watch her confusion morph to shock.

“Troj, we’ve known each other for a week. I don’t even know your real name.”

“Travis Knox, pleased to meet ya.” I grin, taking her hand in mine and pulling her knuckles up to my lips so I can kiss them. “And, yeah, we’ve only known each other a week but you’ve been the reason I’ve been getting out of bed at the ass crack of dawn for the past three years.” It sounds bat shit crazy, but it feels fucking perfect. In fact, I’ve never been more sure of a damn thing in my life.

“You don’t have to marry me, just so we can…” Shaniya goes shy on me again and I laugh at her.

“You misunderstand me, darlin’. That ain’t the reason I want to marry you. I warned you that if you kissed me again, you’d be mine. I meant it.” My hand slides up to her jaw while I contemplate helping myself to those lips again.

“And in the meantime, what do we do about this?” She shocks me with her confidence when her fingertips slide over my torso and touch over the hard ridge in my sweats. Jesus, I swear I could bolt a load just from the touch of her.

“I’d never want you to give any of your beliefs up for me.” I keep my eyes fixed on hers so she knows I’m serious. I’m not gonna lie to myself and pretend it ain’t gonna be fuckin’ hard, but I’ve known for a while now that the girl in front of me is the only one I want. I figure any woman who can keep my attention for three years without so much as laying a hand on me is worth a lifetime.

“I’ve waited three years, I can wait a while longer,” I assure her.

“You know I want to though, right?” She bats her long thick lashes at me, making the temptation to kiss her even more appealing.

“Having you here’s enough.”

She nods back at me enthusiastically, and I’m done talking. I kiss her hard on the mouth and lift her from the table, carrying her over to the couch. Sitting down, I keep her straddled on my lap and we make out like teenagers.

My phone starts to vibrate on the coffee table and I’m tempted to ignore it, but that ain’t an option when you're Sergeant in Arms. Stretching forward I snatch up my cell and bring it to my ear.

“’Sup?” I answer Jessie’s call.

“Where are you?” he asks me, he’s still down at the club, I can tell from the noise in the background.

“My cabin, why?”

“Fuck you doin' there?” Jess knows me better than anyone, I spend every hour that I’m not training or working club shit, down at the clubhouse.

Looks like things are gonna be changing.